Chapter 8

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A/N – Finally getting around to writing chapter 8! I wanted to write this for a long time but this weekend has been pretty busy so I apologize! 30 votes for chapter 9! Oh! And by the way I’m going to try my hardest to make this book only around 20-24 chapters so that it’s not too long! I also have a new book coming out that you can look out for called “Who to love”. Cover & description coming soon! Until then enjoy chapter 8 of beach bliss xo

“Here. This will help.” I handed Austin an ice pack for his bloody nose, split lip and bruised eye. “Yeah. Thanks.” He took the icepack first applying it to his nose. I felt so bad for him. “I can’t believe he would do that to you.” I said, anger fuming inside of me. I started to pace, I always did when I was angry or nervous. My mother used to do the same thing. Thinking of my mom made me think about the night I told Danny everything about my parents. Why did I tell him any of that? Why did I tell him anything about myself? Why did I fall for him? “It’s fine.” Austin said finally. “It’s not fine!” I cried. “I’m literally going to kill him.” I muttered, still pacing. Austin laughed. “It’s fine.” He repeated, this time standing up and walking towards me. He lightly grabbed my arm to get me to stop pacing and face him. We both smiled at the same time. “Would this help.” I leaned in and gave him a long sweet kiss. “That really helped; maybe you should do that again.” He laughed. I leaned in and gave him another kiss. “What happened to you?!” My aunt cried and we pulled apart. Her mother instincts kicked in as she ran over to Austin. “Who did this to you?” She gave both of us a questionable look. “Danny.” I said before Austin could say anything. I knew that he would try and cover for him. “Danny?” My aunt questioned. “Why Danny?” She looked confused. Austin shrugged his shoulders before I could say anything this time. “He was drunk.” He said. “I’ll be fine. I should go now though. It’s pretty late. I’ll text you Kendall.” He waved goodbye and took off. “I’m tired. See you tomorrow Auntie!” I called starting up the starts. “Whoa there, you just wait a minute.” She said after me. Before I turned around I rolled my eyes. “Yes.” I said. “What really happened tonight Kendall? Why would Danny do that?” She said firmly. “We told you, Danny was drunk and probably thought I was one of his sluts that was with Austin.” I said, clearly frustrated with her. I didn’t know why I was, I just was. “Watch your mouth Kendall.” This time I didn’t hold back, I rolled my eyes right in front of her and turned around. “Goodnight.” I called behind my back.

“She can charge you for assault Kendall.” My boss Ross said. I was sitting in my boss’s office listening to him go on about the work rules and regulations and how it took him a while to decide not to fire me. He was going to leave it up to Lindsey to deal with as this was “personal” and nothing “work related.” I was sure that if Ross and my aunt weren’t somewhat friends my ass would have been fired the moment I even thought about strangling Lindsey. “I didn’t touch her!” I cried defensively. Ross sighed, ran his hands over his face then wrote something in his scheduling notebook. “What are you doing?” I asked, confused about what he was doing. “You and Lindsey are going to be working the same shifts from now on until you two become good friends. Understand?” My jaw nearly hit the floor. “What!?” I yelled.  “No way. If I have to work with her every shift I’m quitting.” I stated firmly. No way was I working with that bitch every shift. “I’ll write you up a cheque for your last pay check.” Ross said pulling out his cheque book. “Wait.” I said before he could write anything. “Fine. I’ll work with her.” My aunt made it clear that she would not be paying anything of mine for me when I got this job. I needed this and I couldn’t just quit because of Lindsey. “Great. Now get to work.” I walked out of his office and passed Lindsey. Instead of her normal smirks and death glares I got something I never expected. “Kendall. Wait.” I turned around. “What is it Lindsey?” I said shaking my head. “I just want to say that I’m sorry. I really crossed the line on a lot of things. I was so rude to you and I just, I feel really horrible about everything I’ve put you through.” At first I thought she was doing this to get a good laugh out of it but when she finished I could tell she was being serious. “There’s a lot more I need to say to you. Do you think you might want to go for lunch with me on our break? I’ll pay.” She continued on with such hope. I sighed and lighten up a little. “Sure.” We both smiled. Maybe Lindsey wasn’t that bad after all.

“This place is so good!” Lindsey said as we both sat down at a clean table with our food. I ordered a pizza melt and an Hola Amigos smoothie and Lindsey had a veggie melt and a Japan smoothie. We were at a restaurant called Zestos. It was pretty expensive so I felt bad about Lindsey paying but it was generally a nice place. “Mmm.” I said taking the first bite out of my melt. “Told you.” She said taking a bite out of hers. “Danny really likes you hey?” She asked as I nearly choked on my melt. “What?” I asked back. “Aren’t you two?” I trailed off. She nodded no. “Danny’s a total player and he using me to get over all the other sluts he screws around with. When he looks at you it’s different. It’s like he doesn’t look at you as some toy to play with. He generally likes you for you.” I sighed. That’s what everyone kept telling me but he had yet to show me. “I keep falling for his stupid games over and over again whenever he comes back around. This time I thought it would be fun to make you jealous along the way.” She said honestly. “Why?” “Because everyone wants Danny and you’re different to him, you’re special.” The rest of the lunch we just talked. We were actually a little late back to our shift but it was so worth it. I told Lindsey about my parents and the real reason I was here with my aunt. It was just a coincidence that she also lost a parent. Her father four years ago to a bad car accident as well. We talked about clothes, shoes, food, Danny, makeup, Katy, music and sports. It turns out we had a lot more in common than I ever could have imagined. Who knows, maybe Lindsey and I could turn out to be could friends after all.

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