Chapter 12

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A/N –  Beware, mushiness in this chapter :’) This weekend I’m going to be out at my cousin’s place and her internet only works the odd time so I may not be able to update :( Hopefully it will be I’ll be writing this chapter and chapter 13 to put up tomorrow before I leave for you guys :) Thank you guys for your lovely comments & votes! 44 votes for chapter 13!  Enjoy xo


“Come on. It will be fun! And it will get your mind off of it!” Katy and Lindsey were sitting on my couch’s begging me to go to some fair with them. It had been 2 days since I found Danny cheating on me. We hadn’t broken up; I wanted to hear it from him before I broke up with him. Though we haven’t talked. He texted every 30 minutes, called every 20 minutes and even showed up to the house a couple times. Aunt Jody just said I was sick and that she didn’t want me to give the bug I had to him. I had been ignoring Katy and Lindsey too. Not that I was mad at them but I just wasn’t in the mood. I invited them over today to tell them about what happened and of course their trying to get my mind off of it by bringing me to some fair tonight. I sighed. I really did need to get out of the house. “Fine.” I said. “Pick me up at seven.” I said walking into my kitchen. “See you then.” They said leaving. All I could hope for is that Danny wouldn’t show up.

“Where are you going?” My aunt asked as I headed for the patio door. She seemed a little shocked, probably because I hadn’t left the house in two days. “The fair at the pier with Lindsey and Katy. They’re outside.” I said. “Ok well call if you need me.” She said, still eyeing me with shock. “I was sick not dead.” I said to my aunt, rolling my eyes. “I know. Have fun.” She said. I nodded then headed out the patio door. “You look amazing!” Lindsey said walking up my deck. “You have to let me borrowed that dress.” Katy added, eyeing me up and down. I wore a coral dress with cut outs. My hair was perfectly straightened and I had light makeup on, but it was just enough. “How long are we going to be here tonight?” I asked, folding my arms annoying their flattering compliments. Lindsey rolled her eyes. “If you’re going to be miserable all night just walk right back inside crabby pants.” She stated. “Yeah, would it kill you to lighten up?” Katy added. I couldn’t help but laugh. “Fine. Let’s go.” I said smiling. They both smiled and Katy tugged my arm. I was so glad that I had been blessed with the bestest friends in the world.

“Danny won’t be here will he?” I questioned as we reached the fair. “No. Don’t do that. Were here for you to forget about him for a while. Who cares if he’s here?” Katy said. She was right; they were taking me out tonight to help me forget about him for a while, not to complain about him. “Hey, let’s go get our fortune.” Lindsey said. Lindsey grabbed one of my arms and Katy grabbed the other, leading me to the fortune booth. “Kendall you go first.” They both shoved me into the booth. “Ahh, you’d like your fortune read miss?” The fortune teller stood up. There was no way to describe her; she was your typical fortune teller. “Yes please.” I said. “Come.” She waved me over and told me to sit in the chair in front of her. “Put your hands out.” She instructed. I did as I was told. She held my hand in hers and told me to focus in all of my energy. When she was done she told me to open my eyes. “You’ve been dealing with some struggle lately.” She began. I tensed up in my seat. “Darling.” She leaned across the table to get closer to me. “Not everything is as it seems.”

Not everything is as it seems. The fortune teller’s words just kept replaying in my head. Was she talking about Danny? “Here you go.” My attention went back to my aunt inside of those six words. He pushed an omelette in front of me for breakfast. “Thanks.” When I finished my omelette my aunt went off to work and I cleaned up. I went to go put in The Notebook when I was interrupted by a knock at the door. I looked over to see Danny standing in the clear glass patio door. I walked over and opened it. “Yes?” I asked coldly. He glared at me for a second before saying something. “Can I talk to you for a second?” I opened the door wide, inviting him in. “What did I do Kendall?” He asked before even getting two steps into the house. I couldn’t hold it back any longer. “72 hours Danny!” I yelled at him slamming the door. “What are you talking about Kendall?” He yelled back. “We were together for 72 hours and you had already cheated on me!” I yelled. I was inches from his face now. “What are you talking about?” He cried. “The girl. The bathroom. The bonfire party.” I yelled in his face. He looked confused for a second but his face lightened up. “Oh” He started. “Oh? Oh? That’s what you’re going to say to me right now?” I yelled. “No Kendall. You didn’t stick around long did you?” I rolled my eyes. “Long enough.” I said. “I guess you didn’t stay long enough to hear me say you’re right she’s better then you.” My anger suddenly turned to me feeling sorry for Danny. There I was making assumptions when I didn’t stick around long enough to hear Danny out. “Oh.” I said, looking at the ground trying to hide my embarrassment. “Yeah. Oh.” He said walking towards me. He tilted my head up to look him in the eyes. “Haven’t I proved to you that I only have eyes for you Kendall? Don’t you trust me?” I closed my eyes and swallowed hard. I did trust him; I should have known he would have never cheated on me. “You’ve proved to me that, I trust you.”  He sighed. “It sure doesn’t seem like that to me Kendall.” He said firmly. I couldn’t tell if he was angry or hurt. Either way I felt like such an idiot. My thoughts went back to the fortune teller’s words, “Not everything is as it seems.” “I’m sorry.” I said, a tear falling from my cheek. I opened my eyes to see him shaking his head. I thought he was just going to walk away but instead he wiped away my tears. “I didn’t mean to make you cry.” He said softly. I stepped closer to him and gave him a soft kiss. He gave in for a second then pulled away. “Kendall if this is going to work, you have to promise me that you trust me. You actually trust me and don’t just pretend you do.” I sighed. “I trust you with everything Danny.” That’s when he pulled me in for a kiss and I realized that there was no doubt that Danny had eyes for anyone but me.

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