A new type of tourture.

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Ashton's pov.
I was lying awake in my bed, the sunlight coming through my blinds. I hated the light for millions of reasons and this was one of them. I mean imagine it.

Your in your bed having the best sleep you've ever had for months. Then the sunlight rises and because its so damn bright it wakes you up. It sucks.

Anyways it was 7:00am and i decided to get up. I could feel pain through my arms and thighs as i got up. I had cut yesterday before i went to bed. Its not like i wanted to do it though. I mean i don't do it for fun. The voices in my head told me to.

The horrible voice of Alicia, of my brother, of my Auntie and Uncle. I could hear everyone mocking me forcing me to grab the razor. So i did.
All i can say is it hurt like bi#ch.

I slowly walked to the shower and turned it on and went in, not bothering to wait for the warm water. I had learned to have cold showers and get used to them. Although it did result to me having a stuffy nose. I didn't take long in the shower and soon got out.

I got dressed into some ripped jeans and one of my brothers jumpers. I tied my hair into a pony tail and left to go downstairs. I entered the kitchen and my phone began to ring. I picked it up and was welcomed to the loud voice of Annie.

"Did you sleep with Jared Storm". Was the first thing she boomed out.

"Wow so no hi Ashton, or hey first".  I got no reply but could hear faint arguing.

"Teagan wants to speak to you". She said with a bored voice. These past couple of days Tegan has been so annoying. Even the nerds in school are fed up of her voice. The phone was passed over and this time it was Tegan's loud voice.

"Did you have sex with Jared storm". Her loud squeaky voice hurt my ears, so i moved the phone away.

I sighed, "no i did not have sex with him". I honestly have no idea where they got this from.

"LIAR!". I was now pissed and felt like ripping her head off.

"Im not lying, why would i have sex with Jared".

"So then why would Alicia say she saw him drag you into the janitors closet". After hearing this my mouth was wide open.

"B-but i didn't".

"Yes you did, the whole school saw the video". If i was shocked before i was definitely shocked now.

"W- what video?". I questioned.

"Save it. God your such a bitch you knew i liked him". And by now i was completely lost. Before i could fit another sentence in the phone was cut off. I had know idea what she was talking about but i decided to ignore it.

I left the house before my Auntie would call me for breakfast. Normally every morning i would go call my brother, but we have been really distant lately. The two of us used to. Get along fine, then Alicia came along. I sighed. Theres nothing i can do about it.

I came into the view of the school. People where all huddled around in there pathetic cliches. The thing that creeped me out was that, everyone was whispering and looking down at there phones.

"Ashton, come here now". I jumped up and looked at who had called me. I saw Annie ushering me over. A sympathetic look plastered her face. I walked over to her.

"Hey are you okay, you don't look to fine". She just nodded her head yes.

"Im fine but i don't think you will be". I had no idea what was going on but i intended to find out.

"Annie what the hell is going on. I mean number 1) you accused me of having sex with Jared number 2) Everyone at school is being creepy and now number 3) Your acting weird, so what the hell is up". I spoke out in one breath.

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