Theres no escape from drama...

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Above is a trailer made by me. :)

Ashton's pov.

I knocked on the door and waited patiently. My throat and eyes's hurt from crying. My heart was in pain from being rejected one too many times. I was dumb to not see it coming. People like me just don't suddenly get the attention of a super hot guy. Or any guy in fact. I guess i learned that the hard way. Everyone says that going through things like this makes you stronger. I'm just not seeing that.

"What are you doing standing outside here?". I turned around and saw my cousin Ricky. As i turned he had a clear view to the big bruise on the side of my jaw. He opened his mouth to say something, but i stopped him.

"Don't ask about it, and I was waiting for you to answer the door, i didn't know you where out". I said with a small cracked voice. He led me inside and sat me down. I guess he realized there was a problem, as i don't often visit.

"What's going on?". He asked once again. I sighed.

"I don't want to talk about it". The room went quiet and all that could be heard was the voices coming out the t.v. "Ricky, can i stay a couple days, just until i find another place to go". I said pleading him. I know i sounded desperate, but what else was i supposed to do. My uncle kicked me out, i was basically unwanted with Xavier and Jason. What else was i to do. I couldn't live on the streets.

" I have a spare room at the moment, you can stay there for about two weeks, my flatmates temporarily at his parents house visiting". I mentally screamed with happiness. If i couldn't stay here i would basically have to go on the streets. I gave him a small grateful smile.

"Thanks Ricky, i knew i could count on you".

After a while of catching up with my cousin i went to the room i was going to be staying in. It was a medium sized bedroom. Full of posters of footballers, and the avengers. Not that i minded, the avengers where cool. The bed was made and all set for me to just lie in. After changing into my p-jays i snuggled into the warm blankets and pillows. While lying on the bed i thought about everything Xavier had said to me. He acted like he was on my side, like he was there for me. He never was. Every time he said something to me i couldn't help but believe him. His eyes looked innocent and honest. He was too good to be true. I gave him things he didn't deserve. I gave him my trust, friendship, even my first kiss.

I got out of bed feeling horrible the next day. Knowing i had to go through school made me feel worse. I couldn't fall asleep last night. I faced the mirror and stared at my reflection. My skin had gone pale, my eye's had bags, and my body was just awful. I turned around and sighed. Looking in the mirror was like a punishment. I hated having to look in the mirror. After my shower i dried my hair and put it into a ponytail. I wore my teen wolf jumper, and some baggy jeans. I wasn't bothered about what i wore. I mean at least i'm wearing clothes. Now a days people can go out with the smallest amount of clothing, and still be classed as dressed. I walked out the room and downstairs.

Ricky was eating breakfast while reading the newspaper. Ricky always did like reading the newspaper. "Morning, did you sleep well?". He asked, his eyes still on the paper.

"I slept fine, thank you". I left the house after i grabbed my phone. Ricky did offer breakfast but i used my normal excuse and said i would pick something up on the way. While walking to school i couldn't help but notice how much of a loner i looked like. Everybody was walking with someone, everyone except me. I walked with my head down hoping i would go past unnoticed. The thing is though, a  depressed, horrible looking girl is hard to miss. This made it almost impossible for me to blend in. I just wasn't like everybody else. I was different. A bad different.

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