Sweet moments turned to sour ones...

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Ashton's pov.

I was getting dressed for school. I felt like a horrible depressed cloud was surrounding me. Staring at the leaves flying with the wind, and staring down at the brick wall. He hadn't came by here in a while. I haven't talked to my Auntie or Uncle yet, i wasn't planning to either. It was all there fault. I haven't talked to Annie since the party, and Tegan seemed like history now. The feeling of loneliness wouldn't leave my body. No matter how hard i tried. I felt like i was trapped. Trapped in reality.

I didn't even bother picking a matching outfit, i threw on anything i could find. I grabbed my things and went downstairs to walk to school. No energy was left in my body. I felt like i would collapse any minute. My Auntie called me but i simply ignored her. My legs dragged my tired body. The bags under my eyes where very noticeable, but i didn't give a shit. The last lines he said to me where stuck in my head on replay. The only thing i saw was his gray orbs. The only thing i wanted to feel was his hugs, the warmth he gave me. I couldn't help but think about him. I felt like a love sick puppy,but my love for him was just friendship, or so i think. 

I arrived to school, i went through the same thing as always. Rude comments, bitches who had nothing better to do, and people secretly chatting shit about me. I got to my locker and was shocked by the sight. Tegan stood there. However this wasn't the Tegan i know. This was a different Tegan. She was wearing the tightest clothes in the world. High heels that looked impossible to walk in. A face caked up with makeup.  She looked like another Alicia. like a blonde bimbo. She was having a conversation with Alicia's minions. Aka the slut squad. I couldn't believe my eyes.            

"What do you think your staring at". Tegan said out in a high squeaky voice. I took this as the time for me to exit. I turned around to walk away. Its funny how she used to be one of those people i trusted. That trust can go down the toilet. I should have saw it coming anyways. Friends never stay. Well in my case they never stay. I walked all the way to the toilets. I checked my self over in the mirror and cringed. I had my beanie hat over my hair, and my outfit was just awful. I looked like a hobo. I fixed my hat until i was somewhat happy with how it looked. The bell went signaling that it was time for registration. I quickly got out and ran to my registration class. 

I entered and nobody seemed to notice. I took the seat all the way at the back corner. I took out the book i was reading and placed it upwards on the table to cover my face. Never in my life have i felt this effect on losing anybody. It didn't even seem to bother me that Tegan basically ditched me. I don't even know what i feel for him, or if i just want him as a friend. Maybe i should just forget about him though. Nothings going to happen, were not even friends anymore. Registration finished. It went past in a blur. A big depressing blur. I got out my seat to go last. I learned that it was best to wait to get out, because as soon as the bell goes everyone charges to the door like bulls who are seeing red. I would rather wait then die from being squashed to death. 

My first lesson was maths. Was i really in the mood for maths. Obviously not. I hate maths, and every other lesson. Plus i would probably just zone out five minutes into the lesson anyways. I walked all the way to the school gates and walked out. I was in no mood for school or the people in there. My legs carried me to the familiar place.  It was an abandoned studio. Haven't seen anyone enter in years. When i was younger i would always hide here when running away from the bullies. Whenever i'm in a more depressed state i usually come in here. I could do whatever i want. Free from judgement, and bitches. 

Everyone needs a break from life, this is where i come for my break. I sat down on the wooden floor. It was cold but it didn't bother me much. I was thinking back to all the things that have happened recently. I need to toughen up. I cant keep being a baby. I'm used to bad luck. Maybe if i act like the world doesn't bother me i could at least get through my senior year alive. I need to stop being a sappy baby. I mean this is my life i need to deal with it. I need to do something to make me forget. Something that will toughen me up. How will being weak get me through anything. Out the corner of my eye i saw a punching bag. I looked away, but couldn't help but look back at it. Maybe it could help. 

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