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Ashtons pov.

I was blushing madly as Jason stood there and teased us. I don't think it bothered Xavier but it sure bothered me. I was probably as red as a fire truck. He stood there saying how cute we looked together. I didn't really see it though, the only cute thing would have been Xavier.Though i'm pretty sure he would not like to be referred to as cute. He was hot though, for sure. I was also sure he would tease me about this for the rest of my life. I have learned something though. No romantic moments on Jason's couch. Or anywhere Jason can see. 

I decided i did not want to sit here and be teased any longer. I got up to bid them goodbye and just go home to my room. A place i'm sure i wouldn't be teased. I'm pretty sure Xavier feels stupid and humiliated for almost kissing the depressed girl, and on top of that he got caught. "Umm Jason i think i should be heading home, Aunt Gina needs me". I said with my guilt voice. I just sucked at lying.

"Ashton that's lame even for you, me and Jared both know your lying through your teeth". I groaned.

"Well i'm sorry, but i don't want to sit here and get teased". I said with a pout.

He chuckled, " i promise i wont tease you".

"You better not tease me". I stayed and Jason put on the t.v. Xavier had went up to his bedroom. I actually didn't mind hanging with Jason he was a good person. We where watching the flash, it was all quiet until Jason started to talk.

"So whats really going on with you and Jared". I sighed not this again.

"Nothings going on between us Jason,where just friends". That's actually all we probably will be.

"I don't know about that, its not like Jared to befriend someone so fast, and then make out with them on the couch". 

I groaned, "we did not make out".

"Fine then almost made out".

"Who almost made out". We both turned to the door to see Xavier smirking. Just great.

"Umm, Jason and Barry". I said while nervously laughing hoping he would buy my stupid lie. He stood there with his eyebrows raised.  "Anyways enough about Jason making out with the dog, what are you doing up you should be resting".

He shook his head, "i need to go out quickly, i could take you home if you want".

I looked at Jason who was encouraging me to say yes by nodding his head. "Sure why not". I said hesitantly. He grabbed his leather jacket and we headed out. We walked a nice silence between us. I liked it. We where near my house now and Jared stopped at his wall. He grabbed hold of my hand and pulled me towards him. "Thanks for what you did today".

"Any time". I said nervously. Even though this was not the first time i was so close to him he still had me burning up. He placed one of his hands on my cheek and spoke quietly,"Sometimes i want to be more than friends with you". He stopped for a second and looked at my eyes.

"But i cant, because i'm fucked up". After he said that he placed a soft light kiss on my cheek and walked away. I wanted to call for him, but i needed time to process this. Why would he want any type of relationship with me. I turned around and my auntie and uncle where standing outside the front door. I guess i'm in trouble, they probably saw the whole thing. I walked as slow as i could to the front door.

"Young lady you are in so much trouble". Shouted my uncle. Great this is exactly what i need. "I told you to stay away from him, instead you go around kissing him". I stayed silent, i did not want to talk to anyone at the moment.

"Ashton i'm very upset with you, i would never have expected you to do something like this". I shook my head.

"I didn't do anything wrong Aunt Gina". 

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