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Ashton's pov.
After the fun day with Jared i went upstairs to my bed. I didn't know what to do now. I knew that there was no point in trying to sleep. I mean i haven't been able to sleep properly in ages. I decided i would just get my homework out of the way with.

I walked over to my desk and got all my books out. I was going to study chemistry since i have a pop quiz on it tomorrow. I was about to start when i heard a knock at the door. I ran downstairs to go open it.

It was my brother and Alicia. I found it so Awkward because i didn't know what to say. "Are you going to stand there or let us in". Alicia spoke. It really pissed me off how she just speaks to me  like that, and my brother does nothing. I moved out the way so they could come in.

"Where just going to be upstairs". Spoke my brother. I knew what that meant. It meant that i would have to listen to them getting it on all night.

"Wait". I shouted. Both of them looked straight at me. Alicia smirked. I knew that wasn't a good sighn. "Oh yah Ashton, how did you like Jared in the janitors closet". I hated her even more at this point. My brother looked at me confused. I was probably red from anger and humiliation.

"Nothing happened between us". I tried to say it with as much confidence as i could. Now my brother spoke. "Look i don't care what happened between you two just stay away from that pot head". Now i was fuming with anger. I hated how people just judge him.

"No". I shouted. "I wont, Jared is a nice, kind person, and he's my friend". I knew saying that wasn't a good idea.

"Fine than choose, me or your 'friend'. He said putting emphasis on the word friend. I knew instantly who i was going to choose.

"You". I whispered. I couldn't choose Jared over my family. I mean i barley knew him.

"Good, now stay away from him". I just nodded my head. I only spent a day with him, but it still hurt.

"Why would Jared Storm want to be your friend anyways". Now Alicia says bad things to me. But this was the thing that got me bursting though. Tears ran down my cheeks and i turned away from her. I grabbed my coat and turned to leave. I also took my diary with me.

"Where the hell are you going". I didn't bother answering. I simply walked out. I went and sat by Jared's wall. I liked this place. I don't know why, but i just did. I turned to the back of my diary and just doodled.

"What are you doing out at this time?". I looked to see Jared smoking. I wasn't surprised to see him here, this was his spot after all. "Couldn't sleep". I whispered. After that it stayed quiet.

"Sorry for invading your spot, i just really like it here". He lightly laughed.

"You don't need to say sorry, anyone is welcome here". I gave him a small smile. Then i frowned, i wasn't supposed to be with him. I couldn't help it though.

"Don't you get fed up of people judging you?". He sighed.

"Yes, but i learned to ignore it".

"Well i disagree with what everyone else says, your nice". Yah i know describing him as nice wasn't the best thing i could say.

"Why are you really out at this time?". Jared spoke. "I mean aren't you supposed to be in your room studying for that pop quiz we have tommorow". I laughed because thats exactly what i was doing.

"Im out at this time because of my brother and his girlfriend". I honestly didn't know why i was telling him this. Normally I'm quit reserved.

"Its getting late you should go back, you have school tomorrow". I gave him a look.

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