Stuck with the Bad Boy...

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Ashton's pov.
I woke up. Not in the studio, but somewhere soft, warm. I haven't felt so at peace in a long time. I opened my eyes. I was in a bedroom. Jared's bedroom? I shot up. How the hell could i have got here?

I looked down at my body suddenly feeling cold. I was in an oversized t-shirt, that keep in mind was not long sleeved. This t-shirt was not mines. I put my hands under the sheets, looking at the scars over my arms made me cringe, and i'm sure the person who changed me would agree.

Suddenly the door opened and Jared walked in. He certainly had some explaining to do. "Your awake".

"Did you change me?". I asked.

"Yes, your other clothes didn't look to comfortable to sleep in". He said as if it was no big deal. I put my head in my hands. He saw everything. Not only my plain ass undergarments, but all the flaws of my body. How ugly i am, scars. He saw everything.

"Look if it makes you feel better i looked away. I didn't want to take advantage of you". I shook my head. Yah because that makes everything a whole lot better. I got out the bed and to my clothes.

"Can you get out so i can change". I said quietly. It was humiliating for him to see me like this. He walked out and i got changed as quick as i could. I also found my luggage here and grabbed it with me as i walked through the door.

"Your not going back there are you, it seriously can't be that bad staying here". Sure he was right staying here wasn't to bad, but whats the point in staying somewhere i'm not wanted.

"How did you even know where i was, have you been stalking me ?". I questioned. I was curious. I never gave him any details of where i was staying so how the hell did he find me?

"After you left the other day, i followed you, just to see where you where staying. You went inside but then you came back out and walked to that place. I assumed you where staying there just until the rain went so i came back here. Today i went back there just to see if you where still there, and that's how i found you". He explained.

"Yes so you've been stalking me". I said angrily.

"I like to call it looking out for someone". He replied. Even if he was just looking out for me, it didn't make it any less creepier.

"Yah well that's what i call stalking". I walked all the way to the front door ready to leave. He grabbed my arm and spun me around.

"Really? Your going to choose that stupid building over a safe house". I know i'm crazy for trying to go back to the studio, any normal person would choose here.

"Why do you even care?". Seriously what does any of this have to do with him.

"I wish i knew the answer". I thought it over. I mean there are some good things that could happen if i stay here. Like a proper place to sleep, and shower and stuff.

"Fine okay, i'll stay, are you happy now?". I didn't stay down there to hear his reply. I already knew that i was going to be staying in the guest room and made myself comfortable. The place was exactly how i left it. Suddenly Barry came barking into the door. His tail wagging like crazy. He stood at my feet and i couldn't help but let out a massive smile. I sure missed him.

I bent down and he started licking my face. I was having a laughing fit. "Okay Barry, you can stop now". I said while another set of giggles escaped.

After a while Barry had calmed down. I was lying down on the bed with headphones in, listening to music. I hadn't really left the room, well apart from going to the toilet.

"Ashton you need to come down for dinner". I couldn't have been up here that long. I checked the clock witch read 9pm. Wow, i was up here long.

"No thanks Jason, i'm not too hungry". I knew what was going to happen. He wouldn't take no for an answer and i would have to eat. Your probably thinking why i don't eat and then problem solved. Well it's a little more complicated then that. It's not so simple for me to just relax and eat as much as i want. I'm scared of the consequences of eating. Like gaining weight that would be hard to loose. People already see me as ugly, i don't need to eat and make people see me as ugly and fat.

The Bad boy and the Broken Girl *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now