The mark he left behind...

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Ashton's pov.

A week had gone by, and yes i was still in Ricky's flat. Long lengthy days full of me studying and reading had gone by. I had attended 3 counselling sessions and my only thought was bullshit. My counselor is called Emma. A high pitched women who wears a big bun on her head, and some cheap nude lipstick. Counselor's where supposed to make kids open up to them and make them feel valued. Let's just say she's failing. The only words she got out of me where yes, no, and can i go now.

Me and Annie have started talking again. Not that it was a big upside to my day anyways. I was basically a third wheel. Recently she had gotten together with her crush Luke. They are together all the time, and when there not together, there texting each other. I had a feeling that she's using me so she doesn't look like a complete loner. I mean she basically only remembers my existence when it's time to walk to and from lesson. Even then she totally ignores me, she's to busy talking about her man candy.

Last week my whole grade had gotten trip letter's. The school where going to take us on a trip to Paris. They do it every year for the people in Senior year. It's like a whole week that you can spend with your friends. Basically to have at least one last time with all of your friends together. It's kind of pointless for me though.

I was walking to lesson with Annie when she finally remembered i existed. "So are you going to the trip?". I stopped spacing out and looked at her.

"Your talking to me right?". I asked just in case.

"Duh, who else would i be talking to".

"I dunno, it all seems a bit pointless to me". I told her. Sure i would love to go Paris, but with my school, no way. I mean think about it. It would just be another opportunity for me to be embarrassed and teased. Not to mention the whole bunking situation. I would have to bunk with bitches who can't get over themselves.

"You have to come, it's going to be amazing".  She said enthusiastically.

"Amazing for you". I mumbled back to her quietly.

"What was that". She asked.

"Nothing". I said. No more conversation was made between us. We where walking to English class and i was dreading it. I had to sit next to Jared, Alicia was in this class, Miss Ranj is just annoying, and the lesson it's self is just boring. I had no idea how i was going to pass anything this year.
A small part of me was hoping that Jared was still suspended, however disappointment filled inside of me as i saw him enter the class.

He took his seat next to me and i tensed up. Sitting next to him made me uncomfortable and just weird. My stomach had butterfly's and i was feeling uneasy.

I was facing the board trying to take no notice of him. It was kind of hard since he was openly staring at me. Well mostly my eye. He had given me a black eye and it was very noticeable. Just underneath my eye there was a horrible bruise. Lucky for me the swelling had stopped but the bruise was still there. It was a lot more faint from before.

His staring made it even harder for me to listen to what Miss Ranj was saying. "Can you please stop staring at my eye". I tried to say with confidence. Instead my voice came out shaky and nervous. He didn't say anything nor did he turn to look away. Sighing i bought my hand to cover the side of my face. It's better than letting him stare at it. I was starting to think that he was doing it just to get to me. I mean why else would he be looking at me. He did already clarify to me that he thought i was just trying to get with him. As if, i have more things to do with my life then sink to that level.

Miss Ranj continued to blab on and i was actually writing down notes. As i was in the middle of writing a sentence Jared had passed me a note. He was crazy if he thought i was going to read it. I scrunched the note and left it on the desk. I could hear his sigh.

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