Paris Here I Come...

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Ashton's pov.

I had managed to bag a couple of hours of sleep. Xavier still next to me, still sleeping peacefully. I got out of bed quietly and decided to shower. We have school today, and i have work afterwards. After i showered and did all the boring morning routine i decided i should wake Xavier for school. As i walked near to the bed i could hear his quiet breathing. I didn't want to wake him yet,he looked so at peace, i didn't want to ruin that. I took a seat and my fingers stroked his hair out of his face.

"What do you want?". He said tiredly.

"You should wake up now, we have school". His eyes opened and he sat up.

"I'll be down in a bit". I nodded my head and walked downstairs. It's funny how you can feel so close to someone, and then the next day feel so distant. Guess we where back to square one. Great. Jason was up and eating breakfast, as i walked through the kitchen a smirk appeared on his face. Lets just say i knew what was coming.

"Don't you dare try tease me Jason, it's not funny". I said before words could come out his mouth.

"Fine". He said putting his hands up in surrender. "Anyways i heard that there's a trip to Paris going, you should go". I scoffed, because going on a trip with school is going to be so much fun! Note the sarcasm.

"Yes because going on a trip with a bunch of idiots is so much fun, anyways even if i wanted to go i couldn't, i have work remember". Yes work is boring, but i would prefer it over having to spend a week with the people from school. I mean i can't even stand being with them for 6 hours a day, never mind a whole week.

"Well just letting you know i heard lover boy talking about it, he said he was going to consider going, that means you have to go, it's Paris, the city of love, maybe the two of you will end u-". I quickly stopped him there.

"Do not call him lover boy, and so what if he wants to go, still won't make me change my mind". After that i had enough of Jason babbling on about the two of us and made my way out the house. Headphones on, hood up. People walked to school with friends. Laughing, making jokes, complaining about homework that they didn't do. Me. I walked alone, silent, keeping to myself. It made me wonder the last time i walked to school like that. With Annie and Tegan. Seemed so long ago. So much had changed. I missed them. But i can't dwell on the past.

As i neared the school gates everything seemed normal. People still hated me. Still got the death glares, and whispers, but i simply walked on with my head down. Avoiding eye contact at all costs. "Ugh look what the cat dragged in". "What a filthy slut, like seriously when was the last time she got a clothing upgrade". Even after hearing all those comments, i still walked. Any normal person would have fled the place. Then again i'm not any other person. I'm different and not a very good different.

I made it to Emma's office. She politely greeted me like she always does, and i gave her the same dead answer i always do. She nipped out of the office to send some papers or something like that. I stayed sat on her couch, doing nothing. When she arrived back she had a wide smile on her face and it was creeping me out. How could anybody smile so wide. I could barley give a thin smile, never mind a broad, gummy smile.

"Good news Ashton, You know how parents evening is coming up, well i just managed to persuade the school do let me have an appointment with your guardian, isn't that great". No. It was the total opposite. I had tried my hardest to dodge all the teachers who where curios about if anyone was coming for my parents evening.

"That's fantastic Emma, i'll definitely pay you a visit". I said flatly. Jason had offered to come to my parents evening, but i know he offered just so i wouldn't feel left out, or upset. Trust me him missing parents evening is not a big deal. Unlucky for me the bell went and i had to make myself to English. School was just getting harder and harder for me. I couldn't concentrate on anything. How i was going to graduate? No idea at all.

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