Party's are not my thing...

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Ashton's pov.
After a while of me crying and hugging him, he finally persuaded me to come out of the bathroom. He had insisted on taking me home but i kindly declined his offer. I was going to stay strong today.

We where walking down the science corridor, a nice comfortable silence between us. Well that was until Mr. Smith interrupted us. "Aren't you two supposed to be in lesson". I froze on the spot trying to think of an excuse but Jared beat me to it. "Im just taking Ashton to the nurse". He shot back at Mr. Smith, a smirk playing across his lips. Mr. Smith left it at that, and just told us to hurry up.

We where making our way to English. I personally hated English. Well at least ill have Jared by my side. We where now outside our English classroom. "You sure you don't want me to drive you home".

"Im sure, ill be fine". He nodded and opened the door. The whole class turned to look at the two off us. Miss. Ranj did not look happy. She hated people who came late to her class. "Detention for both of you, now sit down". We both made our way to our seats.

The whole class was whispering, probably spreading another stupid rumour. Jared could probably sense how nervous i became, because he placed a hand on my thigh and told me to take no notice of them. That only made me more nervous though.

Miss Ranj had set a task for us to work on. The class was back to its quiet state. I was concentrating on my work when a paper ball hit my head. I reached down to pick it up and read what it said.

Meet me at lunch by the football bleachers. Drake

I gulped this was not going to be good. Drake was the team captain of the football team. Lets just say he's a meat head jock. I despised him. He is also very good friends with Alicia. They used to date a while back, but called it quits because they couldn't stop banging other people.

My anxiety levels where really high. My head was starting to go dizzy. Fear took over me. Why would he want me to meet him there. I turned to look at him just to make sure that it was directed to me, and not someone else. He was smirking me. I turned back and carried on working. Jared was on his phone. He had finished his work ages ago. I was surprised with how fast he did it.

I was trying my hardest to focus but i couldn't.  "Are you okay, your really pale". I jumped at the sound of Jared's voice.

"Im fine". I said quietly. Im glad he dropped it at that. This is not something i wanted to share with Jared. Eventually i decided i would talk to Annie about it. Maybe she would help, well thats if she doesn't tease me to death first.

The bell went and everyone shot up out of there seats. I slowly started packing my things away, Jared was looking at me closely. "You don't have to wait for me you know. I can get to my next lesson just fine". He didn't respond to that. He just left. I sighed. I hope he wasn't mad at me.

The rest of the lessons up until lunch i tried to avoid all the eyes of the populars. I had already been humiliated enough. I had ICT. This was personally one of my fave lessons. I get to sit with Annie and just goof around. It ended far to quick for my liking. Lunch was already here and i had no idea what i was going to do. I decided to ask Annie for some advice.

"I need some advice with something". She smiled.

"Ask away". I thought where to begin. Instead of explaining everything i just gave her the note Drake had gave me.

"No way Drake wants to meet up with you, i bet he's into you". That did not appeal to me.

"No way, now what do i do". I asked nervously. She looked at me as if i was stupid.

"This is a no brainer, you go". I groaned.

"Fine". After saying that i walked away from her to go to the football bleachers. I just hope he hasn't blown me off. To my surprise he didn't. He was standing there, an annoyed look on his face.

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