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Okay so I am so beyond amazed that there are still people invested in this book. I can't thank you all enough for the amount of love you've all shown to me and my book.

While I would love to just keep updating the book as normal I started writing this years ago now. Through the time I've spent apart from writing I've gotten better and there are many things I would do to improve this book.

I have been putting it off for the longest now but with lockdown I've thought why not. So enough rambling,

I have decided to re-boot this book I guess you can say. The original will stay as is because I know many of you love it for all its flaws haha; but I would love to improve it and write it better and hopefully give it an ending.

Now I can't do so on this account because I was an idiot when I made it years back and lost my password to the account and all. So it would mean so so so muchhh to me if you could all follow my new account @Riya_1Xo where I will be publishing my more improved version.

I hope to see you all there and I will also send updates here about it so you all are aware of when I've published it so you can check it out.

Thank you again to everyone for even giving my book a chance. I hope to see you all over on my new account to follow me on this new journey. X

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