Lazy, Cuddly Friday Night

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You sighed happily, snuggling down amongst the fluffy pillows that lined the long headboard. The huge mattress always made you feel a bit like a kitten on a bed made for a Great Dane, but you figured the more space, the more cushy blankets and feathery pillows you could pile on. And you could never have enough cushy blankets and feathery pillows.

Leaning to the bedside table to snag the remote, you caught a glimpse of Harry brushing his teeth through the cracked bathroom door. He looked dazed, but content. You smiled to yourself, enjoying the routine of it all.

You flicked on the TV in the corner of the room, having settled in just in time for your favorite late night talk show. Most of the time you were only able to catch the Youtube clips later on, but with getting in earlier from work and knowing you could sleep in the next morning, for once the stars had aligned for you to watch during the usual broadcast time. And maybe it was silly, but it made you so happy you giggled a little bit when you heard the theme music and saw the main title spread across the wide screen.

Harry emerged a few minutes later, walking to the dresser and plugging his phone in. He stood, checking a few messages, before laying it down next to his wallet and running a hand through his hair. He fiddled with the alarm clock next to his side of the bed, making sure it was turned off, before raising the bedding and sliding underneath. He crossed the expanse of the large bed easily, sidling up to you before his hand caught your hip and pulled you from your side to your back. He scootched down, his head landing with a sigh on your stomach and his arm slinging over your waist. His body molded to your side as he pulled himself closer, eyes already closed with exhaustion.

"Hey," you chuckled a quiet greeting as you looked down at him, laughter still in your throat from a skit you were watching.

"Hey," he returned, his voice rather gravely already. A smile turned his closed lips when your fingers absentmindedly found his hair.

He couldn't be bothered to keep his eyes open long enough to watch the show with you, but he did so love the feeling of your nails against his scalp and your belly shaking with quiet giggles under his cheek. He couldn't help but smile at your gentle cackles, both at the way you squealed out little laughs and the way the muscles in your stomach tightened against his temple. It had a funny way of calming him, of lulling him into a lovely sort of sleepy haze.

During the last commercial break, you looked down and realized, by indication of his slightly open mouth and relaxed breathing, that Harry had fallen asleep. Your fingers slid through his hair again, gently pulling it out of his face as they trailed through it over and over. You liked these quiet moments with him, enjoying just being together and having him fall asleep strewn all over you.

When the show came back on, your hands paused their fiddles as your attention went back to the TV. Harry shifted his head and breathed in sharply, apparently awakened by your lack of attention. He grunted and tightened his lax arm around your waist again.

"Don't stop," he mumbled quite low, barely coherent. You smiled as one of his legs snaked through yours, enjoying his pathetic neediness. Your hands started working through his hair again at his request.

"The show's almost over, babes," you spoke quietly, indicating your own bedtime quickly approaching.

A pitiful, half-hearted whine left his lips and it made you giggle. "But the next show's even better," he rumbled, eyes still shut hard.

"Oh really?" you played along, a grin tickling your mouth.

"Mhmm," he sighed, his head nestling a bit to find a more comfortable place on your belly. "You should probably stay up to watch it," he mumbled, mouth half obscured.

"Should I, then..." you vaguely asked, a laugh caught in the crinkles of your eyes as your fingers kept at their antics.

"Mmm," was his only reply, too caught in sleep and the chills running down his spine from your hands through his curls for anything else.

It didn't really matter if you stayed up for the next show or not, because you knew Harry would be asleep again soon, probably even before the end of the show you were already watching. But, you actually quite loved being able to make him so happy, so calm, so relaxed that he didn't want it to stop. He often felt rather burdened with looking out for other people-- the boys, the crew, the fans-- that you liked that, even though it was mostly in small things, you were able to take care of him every once in a while. And as evidenced by the quiet snores coming from his nose, so did he.

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