Fake Pregnancy Text

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You’d be out with your friends goofing around and would die laughing when you see a picture friend had taken of you in which, because of the angle, you looked a few months pregnant. Being a bit of a prankster and not having seen Harry for a while because of his tour, you’d giggle mischievously and type out a sloppy “Ohhh by the way im preggars so better prepare yourself daddy styless” text, knowing he was gullible enough to believe it for a minute, but making it cheesy enough that he’d believe you when you told him it wasn’t. He’d freak out for a minute and text you back immediately, telling that he’d call, but that they were in the middle of interviews. Lou would probably egg him on, knowing you were joking, but getting a laugh at Harry’s expense while watching him try to hide his sweat as he met the next hoard of the press. And Lou would tweet something vaguely incriminating and you’d laugh until you cried when he’d send you a secret video of Harry stressing out. You still couldn’t believe he believed your crazy antics after the 500th prank, especially when Louis got involved. Then he really should know. But, you wouldn’t let it go on long enough to hurt his feelings, and you’d call to make sure he knew you were just kidding and that everything was fine. He’d get embarrassingly frustrated in a light hearted kind of way and you’d laugh again when he’d playfully yell at a manically laughing Louis in the background. “See if I ever believe either of you again.” he’d mope and you’d giggle, knowing that by tomorrow he’d be back to his usual self, ready to believe anything you said.

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