Sunset Kisses

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Just a little thank you for 500k+ reads. Hope you enjoy<3

The sky was an array of pinks and oranges as you made your way slowly down the scenic boardwalk. On your right, a line of shops stretched along the length of the pathway, boasting brightly colored exteriors and a whole myriad of wares from lollipops to designer hats. The hotel perched itself on top of the nestled stores and looked out over the small lake below.

Harry trodded along next to you, his shoulder bumping yours every now and then. After a relaxed dinner at one of the quaint restaurants, it felt good to take your time meandering the planks on your way back to your room. It was fun to see the families out having fun, licking ice cream cones and feeding the seagulls and laughing with each other. 

The brilliant sunset caught your eye, so you paused to take it in. You leaned against the railing with your forearms crossed and smiled at the way the sunlight sparkled off the calm water. Harry's hands clasped the railing on either side of you, his body at your back providing a welcome shield from the evening breeze. You could feel his hair blown into your cheek as he lowered his chin to meet your temple.

"'s beautiful," he murmured as his eyes gazed across the sun as it dipped, glistening, into the water.

You nodded your head slightly, now more entranced with his closeness. You hoped the feeling you got when he was around and so near-- that warmth, that comfort, that ease-- would never go away. You sighed a smile, turning in his grip.

His eyes looked down on you as you did, a quirky furrow molding his brows.

"What?" he asked, his smile cocking to one side and forcing his dimple in.

You shook your head with a silly smile, unable to really put to words how you were feeling. He didn't seem to care though, he was too busy appreciating the opportunity to look at you against such a magnificent backdrop.

Your fingers casually found the back of his neck and fiddled there as your eyes strayed away to watch the families again. Harry's arms came to meet around your back as you leaned back into the railing.

For a few minutes you were just silent in your watching, both content to somehow be in your own worlds as well as each other's, thinking separately, but feeling together.

You giggled quietly as you watched a toddler trying his very best to coax a seagull to his leftover crust and failing miserably. With a small inquiry from Harry, you nudged your shoulder in the direction of the child so he could look on too. Soon Harry's chuckles started as well, making your smile only grow. After a few more minutes of futile attempts, the little boy's dad came up and helped him by holding the boy's hand steady and talking quietly to him, helping him understand how to interact with the animal. You gave a quiet, "aww," but laughed again when the little boy ruined his father's efforts by shrieking in joy as the seagull plucked the crust from his hand and then dropped it, startled, and flew away. 

"So much for that," Harry giggled.

You turned your head back to him as the mom scooped up the toddler and they went on their way.

"At least he made contact," you chuckled back. Harry shrugged a laugh, his eyes twinkling with a happiness that went beyond the amusement of the moment. You felt it too.

"Do you think that'll ever be us?" you asked quietly, almost too content in the comfort of his gaze to care about the answer.

Harry raised his eyebrows. "I certainly hope so." 

You weren't really sure if it was the way the golden light was hitting his olive skin or the way his hair was being swept by the breeze or perhaps just those words coming out of his mouth so easily, so quickly-- but something... something in that moment turned in you like a key and the only possible action to take was stretching up on your toes and pulling him closer, your lips meeting his and his hair falling around your face.

"Mm--" came his reply against your lips, taken a bit off guard, but completely happy with the situation. His arms tightened around you as you pressed in further, welcoming-- even beckoning for more.

 "Okay then," he mumbled next to your skin as you pulled away, his eyes staying on your lips as the dimple popped in again. He didn't waste much time looking, though, his lips already finding the ticklish spot on your neck, causing you both to burst into more giggles.

His crooked smile appeared again as his head lifted, his body pressing yours into the railing. Even then you almost couldn't take the look in his eyes, so close, so intense, so happy. He moved his lips to your forehead, speaking low. "Keep that up and we'll have to worry about kids sooner rather than later."

Your laughter sprang out as he sealed the comment with a kiss to your forehead and hugged you close, cackles of his own shuddering his sides.

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