Best Friends with Harry/Marcel/Edward

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Being best friends with Harry, Marcel, and Edward would be an exhausting feat (only in the best ways, of course). Although their personalities would be as different as cows and kangaroos, their antics would all be just as extreme and their jealousy for your attention just as ridiculous. Between Harry’s corny jokes and charming cuddles, Marcel’s adorable awkwardness and earnest attempts, and Edward’s feigned too-cool-for-school indifference (because let’s be honest—it’d be painfully obvious he was just as jealous on the inside) you’d never have a boring moment in the Styles’ household. Somehow they’d always manage to make you laugh, their brotherly spats and angular personalities only making their show more entertaining. Their polar differences would make each of them equally as endearing in their own way and it wouldn’t be that you’d like one more than the other because they’d just be too perfect as a trio—a completely ridiculous trio of brothers who could never quite get their act together, always a little bit off kilter in the most adorable of ways. 

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