He's Older than You so You Get Hate

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You had met while he was home on break from tour and things had been casual at first. You had hit it off, but he was more like a big brother to you for some time, always being protective over you and wanting to meet the guys you were dating and keeping up with you while he was away. You appreciated his friendship very much, but between relationships sometimes you wondered at the feelings you couldn’t help but have for him. You attributed it to fondness, not love, and convinced yourself that even if it was love, things would never work out. You were young. He was famous. And he saw you as his little sister, which you both loved and hated. It was safe and secure and wouldn’t be jeopardized by a break up, which is something you feared more than anything else—losing him. But one day, one thing lead to another and before you knew it he was asking you to be his own. Suddenly being protective over you from afar and screening the guys you dated wasn’t enough, it needed to be him and he felt like it was finally the right time. “Never mind the age difference,” he had said with a cheeky grin, “You’re my best friend and my family. I couldn’t imagine being with anyone else. Besides, my mom really likes you, so.. there’s that.” You had laughed and agreed and everything felt like it was going to be perfect. All except the hate you began to receive from the fans. “She’s too young!” “He’s a player.” “Doesn’t she know he’s just going to break her heart?” “She’s naïve if she thinks Harry Styles is actually in love with her—a young, petty, immature teenager. Just wait and see, she’ll be the next Taylor Swift.” “What a tool! He’s totally using that poor, boring girl. I give it three weeks.” Despite your conviction that they were all wrong, it all still brought hot tears to your eyes and down your cheeks, and Harry was a mix of anger, concern, and encouragement. He had held you and cried with you and made you smile by reminding you that the best part about it all was that you were going to prove them all wrong. You weren’t boring or ugly or just a three week fling. He loved you and was serious about your relationship and kept making jokes about how they would make fun of him whoever he tried to date—younger, older, or the same age. You couldn’t help but laugh and give him a sad smile, knowing he was right and trusting him at his word. And sure enough, soon the hate began to dwindle. Not altogether, but much of the fandom accepted you after a few weeks, and even began to think you were perfect for each other. The journey ahead would still include hate and struggle, but you knew it was worth it to be with your best friend and closest confidant in the world. And he felt the same way.

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