Your Movie Premiere

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            “Are you ready?” Harry asked, hand perched on the door handle and body hunched in preparation. You nodded quickly, excitement and nerves swirling together in your stomach. No matter that you’d done it several times before, walking the red carpet was always nerve racking.

               Harry took your hand as he ducked out of the back of the limousine and squeezed it as he carefully pulled you out behind him. The screaming of the fans doubled in decibel, which only succeeded in growing the butterflies in your stomach. Harry turned around to face you, allowing you a moment to adjust your long, shimmering gold dress before the cameras could have their turn devouring your beauty. A dopey grin hung on his face for a moment as you wiggled around a bit and threw the back behind you so it would lay straight. He sort of liked the fact that he was the first one who got to see you looking so perfect, and that at the end of the night he’d be the last one. Your eyes met his with an excited sparkle.

               “Here we go..” he grinned, taking your hand again. You poked your shoulder up in a giggle and eased by his side as he turned around.

               Immediately photographers began yelling your names, trying to get your attention like their lives depended on it. You knew how “great” of a picture the two of you made—a “hot, up and coming actress” and a member of the world’s biggest boy band? Together?? The press ate that sort of thing up with a spoon. No matter that they’d seen you together before, the fact that this was your movie—a movie you’d had the main role in—made everyone that much more excited. Including yourself, of course.

               Your manager appeared seemingly out of nowhere and instructed you on where to pause first—just up the way in front of a large white backdrop sprinkled with logos. You nodded as she spoke these instructions into your ear, then instructed to Harry with your eyes what she’d just said. He seemed pleased to be your arm candy this time around—free to follow you wherever you needed to go, hang back from the limelight in favor of you, have casual interviews that were centered around what you were doing. They weren’t things he usually got to do while on the red carpet, so it was a change he seemed to like very much. And as one who was used to being the center of attention at these sort of things, he was a great person to have around-- right there ready to help you out, encourage you along, make you feel like you were worthy of every little bit of attention you were getting. Because if anyone’s honest, they’d let you know that just because you’re on the red carpet, you don’t necessarily feel worthy of being there. With all those flashes going off, all the people screaming for you attention, all the curious questions, it’s pretty easy to get overwhelmed. So you were thankful to have Harry by your side, both for that reason, and because it was a pretty big deal, this premiere, and you couldn’t think of anyone else you’d rather share it with.

               Harry’s hand eased around your back as you paused in front of the big backdrop. You liked the feeling of his suited arm around your bare skin, his hand softly closing over your hip. The photographers continued to yell orders towards you, and you tried to appease as many as you could. “Kennedy! Over here!” “Harry—give us a smile! Smile, Harry!” You looked up at Harry, who was doing his usual red carpet smirk.

               “They want you to smile, stupid,” you whispered facetiously.

               “I do what I want,” he whispered back side glancing you with a laugh in his eyes.

               “Really now?” you looked back towards the cameras as your hand slid behind him, pinching his backside. His mouth gaped open as he looked down at you, an incredulous smile poking at his cheeks. The photographers went crazy as you giggled up at him. “Perfect, that’s perfect! Keep going!” they yelled.

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