Chapter 3

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As I stared blankly to the red, ruby eyes watching me, I immediately started blushing a bright pink and held the soft, blue blanket that smelled liked Akise, I slightly blushed more as my cheeks burned up.

He smiled as I said"W-where are my clothes?" I slowly mumbled embarassly.

"Don't worry, I closed my eyes" he said slyly.

"Y-you p-pervert!" As all my blood was going to my face making me look like a strawberry.

"Just kidding" he said frowning.

"A-any way, what happened to him?" I asked stubbornly.

"Oh, him?"

"Who else?"

"I killed him"


"H-how, how did you kill him?" I asked while staring into his red, ruby eyes

"Well, he attacked with the knife but I dodged and his knife hit the electric cable and got electrocuted" he said saying it so casually.

"I'm guessing you made him hit the electric cable, right?"

He smiled as though he was surprised but knew it was coming anyway.

"I have one last question, why did you even save me?"

He gave me a smile which told he wasn't going to tell you yet even if you gave him the puppy eyes.

"Well" he said as he stretched, "I guess it's time for me to drop you off"

"No thanks I can handle things on my own"

"Oh really? Who was the one who got hurt and had to get rescued?" He said smiling deviously again like he always did.

I mumbled slightly and a little heat came up to my cheeks.

"F-fine, but don't do anything weird" as I mumbled

As we were walking I could feel his ruby orbs stare behind me as shivers went down my spine.

This is so awkward, but why is he staring at me so creepily?

I finally reached my house and quietly opened my door and quickly closed the door without saying goodbye.

~Next Morning~

As the alarm woke me up, I got up checked what time it was.

At least I have time to check my diary

I walked to my art diary and flipped to the most recent entry. It said:

11:16 am Minene Uryuu ( ninth ) bombs your school
11:25 am Minene Uryuu forces your classmates to take Yukkiteru (first) outside
11:27 am Keigo Kurusu (fourth) comes out of nowhere
11:29 am Yuno Gasi (second) helps Yukkiteru and tell him where the mine bombs are
11:32 am Yukkiteru hits Minene with one of his darts
11:33 am Minene gets away

I guess it's going to be a rough day at school today

I sighed and got ready for the second day of school. I put my diary in my bag, fed my cat, and walked out. When I was locking my door I noticed someone was staring at me. I turned around quickly, just in case a diary holder found where I lived, but it was just Akise smiling at me. I sighed for a moment and gave him a serious face.

   "What's with that face?" He asked.

   "Why are you outside my house?!"

   "Well, I thought maybe you needed someone to protect you again" he said with amusement on his face.

   "Like I said, I don't need anyone to protect me, mostly a person like you"

   "What ever you say...princess" as he chuckled a little bit.

   Next time, I'm going rip your annoying smile off

   "Don't call me princess"

   He chuckled a bit more and was now walking to school again.

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