Friday through Wednesday

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The girl giggled with her friends, talking about the show they watched last night, or what they think of other people. When the bell rang marking the end of lunch, the friends parted ways. And little did this girl who was happily talking with her friends know that a pair of violet eyes were watching her. Little did she know of her terrifying fate.

Her curly blonde locks bounced on her shoulders as she walked with a little hop. And she had no intention of going to class. Yesterday, she agreed to meet her Italian friend around this hallway during class, because he needed to tell her something. She had liked that man for quite a while. She loved how he pampered her and gave her so much attention, and felt she knew everything about him.

Oh, how funny! She was so terribly wrong! This Italian did so well in manipulation. He did so well to get what he wanted! He did indeed love her, how she was so accepting of him despite his attitude and irrational actions. But he had not told her his most intoxicating secret.

This was on a Friday. And luckily, no one entered the female bathroom for the rest of the day.

For this certain blonde haired woman, with beautiful eyes and fair skin. One with an accepting nature to most things, had died that day.

They say she was brutally murdered- and that was no lie- with letters written in blood above the corpse.


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The other day, I heard of a murder on the news. A high school girl was cut around the ribs numerous times, shallow enough to live, but deep enough to suffer. It seems she died due to extremely deep knife wounds to her head. The police have investigated the horrific scene and discovered a knife lying by her corpse. After scanning for fingerprints, they found only the fingerprints of that girl. The police believe the girl to have killed herself, unable to bear the pain. This happened in a high school bathroom.

I never heard what high school that girl went to, nor what her name was. I found out during school, on the following Monday of the high school murder. Police surrounded the female bathroom at my school. However, the classes still continued. On Tuesday, all that remained was a line of caution tape. And on Wednesday, our school got a new student.

He was from Italy, and spoke with a heavy accent. He had dark hair, and a curl that stood out but also took away a bit from his intimidating aura. His eyes were a beautiful violet."Piacere di conoscerti" Is what he said as an introduction. He happened to be in every one of my classes. Even then, I never learned his name.

A horrific murder, a failed investigation, and an odd new student.

I wonder what Thursday will bring?

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