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When I opened the door to her room, she was already fast asleep. I chuckled. Oh, amore mio, please have a nice sleep. 

- - -

I seemed to have drifted to sleep, and I woke up with Luciano by the bedside. He was looking at me with soft eyes. When my brain processed that someone was watching me in my sleep, I jumped back.

"L-Luciano!" I said in surprise. "Good afternoon, amore mio~" He said. My love? Since when did our relationship develop so quickly?

I-It must have been the kiss. my cheeks were red. Dio! (God~Italian) Why do I overreact over such things? No no, Luciano is making part of my embarrassment worse.

"U-uh, what day is it?" I finally managed to say, breaking the silence. "Sunday." Woah, and it's the afternoon? "I've only been here two nights, right?" Luciano nodded. I gave a sigh of relief. It would be hard to find and excuse from school all of a sudden, without notifying it.

I looked into Luciano's alluring eyes. "Would you..." He started, "Like to go on a date with me tomorrow after school?" He looked at me with his beautiful eyes, expectant.

I won't decline, but I wonder what would happen if I did?

- - -

In the middle of the night, Luciano walked me home. "I'm a murderer, you know? There are a few blurry pictures of me, so some may suspect me in daylight while wearing my uniform."

I nodded in agreement. Considering that I was wearing such an elegant dress, it was hard not to catch attention. However at night, my dress helped with slight camouflage.

When we reached my front door, I felt hesitant to walk in. "S-so, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then..." I said, facing Luciano. He smiled and leaned towards my ear. "I can't wait, bella." The warm air from his breath made me shiver.

He pulled away, and made his way back home. I wanted so badly to tell Luciano to stay. His whisper was unsatisfying. I wanted more than just that.

But having those thoughts run through my mind made it too embarrassing. So as I stood there in the middle of the night, a cold breeze brushing against my bare shoulders, I whispered in a tiny voice.


- - -


I apologize for the short chapter.

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