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I awoke to the sound of silence, as I normally did. I didn't have an alarm, because I didn't need one. My body could wake itself up, which is something I am very grateful for.

And as I groggily stood up, I remembered about my date with Luciano. That alone woke me up, as I bounced with excitement.

From an outsider's point of view, they may find me emotionless. And I wouldn't disagree when it comes to interactions with others. However deep inside, I commonly express my emotions to myself.

Has Luciano made such an impact on me that I've already started blushing and  smiling casually around him? What a special person. I wonder what else he will help me express?

(Mind you)

- - -

When I reached the school gate, I found Luciano waiting for me, with a smirk painted on his face the moment he caught sight of me. "Can't wait until after school, bella." He cooed into my ear. I shrugged it off with a blush.

Gosh, if only I could say it back.

- - -

The classes were boring, as always.

But just because I say that doesn't mean I get bad grades. I feel as if I've already learned this somehow. Most of my childhood is a bit fuzzy at the moment, but I may have been tutored.

Sighing, my mind wandered off to today's date. Where would we go? What would we do? It never occurred to me until now.

And how many people would be watching? I wonder, do you go out with others, or just walk around alone together? I know nothing about these kind of things. (Yeah, we can tell)

- - -

In my last class, a new student was introduced. His disheveled velvet brown hair and reddish eyes caught my attention. He had a smirk on his face, and a bandaged wrist when he waved to introduce himself as Allen Jones. The teacher motioned him to the seat on my right side, while Luciano sat by my left.

When my eyes drifted to Luciano, whose eyes were shaded by anger. It surprised me a bit.

And the only solution I could come up with was that he must have known Allen Jones.

- - -

After the bell rang, Luciano grabbed my arm and dragged me to the back of the school. He was using more force than he normally did.

Once we got to the back of the school, he checked to see if anyone was watching as I stared at him in confusion. With a sigh of relief, he slumped against the wall. "Reiko, please don't go near Allen. He's dangerous." Dangerous? In what way?

And Luciano said my name! He rarely seems to do that. But I don't mind the nicknames, and I have found them to be a bit comforting. 

"In what way is he dangerous?" Luciano was about to answer, until Allen burst through the back doors. "Ah, Luciano! How nice to-" He noticed me there, and his tone softened. "Now, who are you, dollface?"

That made Luciano angry. "Not yours." he spit out.

What should I do? I don't know why these two are against each other.

"Well then," Luciano said, just as Allen was about to say something. "She and I have a date." Luciano took my hand and walked me to the school gate, leaving a smirking Allen behind.

I was able to pick up a few of his words before we walked through the door.

"Don't look at the bathroom, dollface."

- - -

Luciano left me confused as we walked to an unfamiliar area. "Who was that?" I tried to ask. No answer. Was the atmosphere going to be this stiff during our first... d-date?

Gathering up my courage, I walked closer to Luciano, and steadied his shoulder. Lifting myself up on my toes, I whispered in his ear, breathing on his neck, "Pleaseseri respond." Was all I said. from the visible part of his face, I could see a hint of blush. 

"H-he's just an enemy of mine. All you need to know is to stay away from him."

With warm cheeks, I simply nodded and walked by his side. I was happy even with that answer, because the mood has lifted. And to my surprise, my body urged my hand to take Luciano's. With a small instigating touch, we walked hand in hand.

- - -


A few things to remember~

Reiko Villnilla, the main female character, is Italian who has many fuzzy memories. Her childhood is basically missing, as well as any memory of how or who she has murdered. She also has a strange "temptation", which I have described in an earlier chapter.

Luciano Vargas, the main male character, is also and Italian. He is the leader of a mafia (Which Reiko has yet to discover at this point), and a serial killer. He rarely hides his victim's bodies for the sake of wanting his work to be shown to public.

When both of these characters kill, there is always a reason.

I will tell you again, this is a romance between 2p Italy and a character created by me (Reiko). I am not sure how fast their relationship will progress at the moment. There also may be a few chapters meant for mature audiences.

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