Chapter V "Message on paper"

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Chapter 5 "Message on Paper"

When I woke the next morning I me gaze went instantly to the window, remembering what happened last night. The whole thing would have been quite funny if we had been humans. But we weren't and would never be.

After getting dressed, which didn't take very long as I wasn't really in to the fashion world. I stomped down the stair to the kitchen. Since I was first up -as usual - and that was a good thing because I had the time to think.

I were a little worried because I didn't know if even half of what Phillipe had said last night was true. He was a Night-person so it would be strange that one of them would not run and tell the council as fast as they could about me.

When I had finished my breakfast when I heard a lowed tap on the front door. I was about to get it when Justin pushed me a side.

"Sorry cousin it's for me. Who would want to see you?"  he said grinning evil at me. See what I mean, he is a total jerk. 

Justin opened the door and Phillipe was standing outside."Hi" he said with a that crooked smile of his.

"Hi dude" Justin replied.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"Sure am"

"Are Everlyn riding with us or you sister?" Phillipe looked at me curiously.

"Neither." Justin answered not pleased by the topic.

Phillipe raised an eyebrow "Then how...?"

"I walk" I told him, and my cousin looked a little surprised by me actually saying something.

"Then you can ride with me" Phillipe offered.

"I'll think I'll pass" I said knowing Justin would make my life a living hell if I did. 

"I think not. You'll be riding with me until you healed properly"

"Not a chance."

"You can't walk six kilometers with a broken arm and black and blue bruises all over. What if you collapse?"

"I wont and I will not ride with you, end of story!"

Phillipe didn't replied, but his face suddenly burst into a devilish smile which made me want to run out of the hallway I was standing in. 

I flung my bag over my shoulder and tried the fastest escape rout I could find. The kitchen. Phillipe was at first just standing there with me cousin who was starring after me in astonishment. Apparently was the thought of me being able to talk were to much for him.

After a few seconds later I hear someone following me. It was then I began running. I ran towards the woods hoping it wasn't Phillipe running behind. If it was I wouldn't come far.

A hand grabbed my wrist and turned me around with so much force that I fell on my butt. At first I were just sitting there on the cold forest floor glaring at a pair of long jeans-clad legs.

"Are you OK?"

"Like you'd care" I said not looking up at him.

"Why do you hate me?"

"Isn't that the most stupid question I have ever heard?" I said in a bitchy tone. I normally didn't like using that tone to anyone but he was a... a...

I could for ones in my life not find a word bad enough for him.

"Why?" he said. Hm he sounded sorry. But in the end they were all good actors.

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