Chapter XIII "Cub's Aren't That Bad"

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The way they had acted made it seem like they had been ordered to ignore me. When the door slammed shut I sat down on the second step of the stair. My head resting against the rail. I slowly let my eyes shut and I sighed. Finally alone.

I sat there on the stair for what felt like forever.

Chapter 13 "Cub's Aren't That Bad"

Sitting there I could feel myself slightly dosing of. It had been a long day being nearly killed, saved, fighting with him and then ignored. I didn't know what was worst probably the time I didn't even mentioned. The memory of my brothers last moments.

I could still remember it crystal clear as if it was yesterday. The truth was that Nathaniel did it for me. He never took care of himself, he always put me first. He used to sneak some of his food onto my plate or take some coal from my coal bag and put it in his own. He loved me to bits.

It would seem ironic how I every day there, could wake up with a smile on my face. Just to see Nat smile right back at me. Then that day had come, after the torture. After his death. I didn't smile anymore, didn't laugh or talk. I was like a walking dead.

It wasn't very long before that changed. I became snappy and would nearly bite of a person’s nose if they just dared as much as look at me. I was quite tiny at that time and people always tried to help me out. But after I got the mood swings nobody dared. I started doing things on my own and stopped caring about what the people around me thought. I became a fighter. And a fighter I was.

When suddenly a hand touched my arm I was jerked out of memory-land and back to reality.

"Would you read us a story Luna?"

Before me stood a girl, whom I guessed was around five or maybe six. She had long curly brown hair and two sparkling ocean blue eyes. In her hands where a bright colored book which had the ridicules title "The flying tomato and the Unicorn goes to Australia".

"Please?" she begged me giving me puppy eyes. Ugh, why can't I resist kids with puppy eyes! I really need to learn how to resist them and probably fast since I knew that he might try that on me some time in the future.

"Sure" I sighed and took the book out of her hand. "What's your name sweetie?" I asked and she instantly got a huge smile on her face as she said happily without pausing even ones "Sandy! And this is Joe and Dave and Hannah and Bella and Paul and Liv!"

I shuddered back because of her cheeriness. "Idiot, you're scareing our Luna Sandy!" one of the boys said as he hit her over her head.

"Hey don't do that Dave!" Sandy exclaimed before she once again turned to me "I didn't mean to scare you Luna, will you forgive me?" now hanging with her head.

"It's okay sweetie. You just startled me, no one has worried about that since my brother died" my voice failing at the part about my brother. Stupid. I shouldn't have told them about that, now they'll probably tell him or someone else. I'm so stupid.

"The Alpha said you were pretty and smart and nice when you want to! But he said you were sad to! Is it because of your brother?! Have you ever eaten orange cake? Because they’re really good you know!"

"He said what?!"

"Alpha said you were pretty and smart. I and Joe heard him when he was talking with daddy" exclaimed Liv, who for the first time opened her mouth.

"Will you read already?! You're so slow!" Paul said annoyed. "Or better jet tell us your story so we won't have to listen to Sandy's stupid bedtime story for the billionth time!"

"Yeah tell us you story Luna!" Dave shouted and jumped up in the air like the little kid he were while Sandy glared at Paul.

"Kids, you don't want to hear my story. Let’s read the book instead."

"Nooo! We want to hear your story!"

"It's not a pleasant story, children. You won't like it, besides it is far too violent for kids your age or even for them twice as old as you."

"But if you make it less violent... Pretty please" Now they all had puppy eyes which meant they had the advantage and I would be forced to give in. I didn't like it. Not one bit. Telling my story to someone was not something ever would want to do. Especially to these kids.

"All right, but you are watching "Finding Nemo" after okay?" I said not wanting them to get nightmares after hearing my story.


"Well, it all started when I was born...


Finally an update! Yippi!

Sorry it's short :(

Hope you like it!


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