Chapter X "Respect and Bloodlust"

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  • Dedicated to This is to my BFF

 Please read the author's note at the end it's important!


"You'r good, do you think you can beat me to?" at first I didn't recognize the voice, but one thing I knew for sure were that it weren't Phillipe's. This voice was cold and hard as stone.

I turned around to see...

Chapter 10 "Respect and Blood lust"

I turned around only to see James standing in front of me. He had a large devilish smile on his face that I'd just love to wipe away. My first reaction were to try to remember were I'd put had put the poison capsules to my claws.

But then I caught myself with that idea, I decide that it wouldn't be such a good idea killing him. I had only seen Phillipe angry twice; one's when I'd put a certain herb in his tea that were poisonous werewolf's and that time with James in the kitchen. And I could bet this would make him very mad. Almost as mad as if I'd tried to hurt myself.

I ignored him and started walking through the door that led out of the gym, when he suddenly grasped my wrist. He spun me around so I were facing him.

"Yes?" I said raising a eyebrow.

"I wan't you to fight me. Now"

"Hey I have three things to say to you; 1, Don't pick a fight with me or you WILL end up hurt. 2, Don't you dare order me around, remember I stand over you in rang. And 3, Go. To. Hell." with those word's I left him standing there looking after me.

*       *       *

Later at dinner James didn't glare at me as he usually did, witch made me super uncomfortable. It was just to weird. Like he suddenly had decided that he would be nice to me. Super weird.

I poked around in my food not feeling really hungry, like I usually were.

"Are you okay?" Phillipe asked worried. I looked up at him shaking my head. It wasn't actually a lie, because I really didn't feel very good. "OK lets get you upstairs" he said and helped me up. I think that he could sense my feelings but I wasn't sure.

When we reached my room Phil sat down in the armchair and then he pulled me to him so I were sitting in his lap.

"What's wrong lovely?" he said kissing my hair.

"I'll tell you if you stop doing that lovey dovey stuff."

"OK" he said kissing my hair one last time before he looked at me. "What is it?"

"James doesn't glare at me any more"

"Your worried because James don't glare at you?" he said obviously thinking this was funny.

"It isn't funny" I said.

"No of course it isn't" he said still amused.

"Ugh" I sighed and got up from his lap. He thought this was funny. I did not.

"Okay I'm sorry Vick. What happened last time you ran into him?"

"Well, he saw me training and asked if I could beat him. I walked away, but he grabbed me and demanded that I would fight him. I told him that he shouldn't pick a fight with me and that he could go to hell."

That made Phil laugh. I did not know why he were laughing but I couldn't help but to smile at the beauty of that laugh. It were like running water in the spring.

"I believe that he may have excepted you as his Alpha female. I don't think he has been told of like that ever."

"It is creeping me out"

"Yeah I know. It wouldn't be so weird if you accepted the mating thought."

"Phil..." I said warningly.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned it."

"No you shouldn't have"

We paused for a moment before he suddenly said; "Are you sure you aren't hungry?"

"No I'm good"

"Well I should probably be going then. Sleep well! I'll see you in the morning" Phil waved his hand and started to walk to the door. He usually left at this time, but today I didn't whan't him to leave.

"Phil stay" I called out. He frose in the doorway. "Can't you stay a little longer? I want to talk to you"  He slowly turned around to look at me. His expression emotionless.

"You want me to stay the night?" he said in a tone without emotions.

I gulped before I answered him. "Yes" that single word weren't louder than a whisper, still it meant more than most people could imagine. This were for him a step closer to me accepting him as my mate. As for me? I didn't know. I still didn't trust him.

Most of the night we had been starring and talking to each other. Mostly I had been standing for the questions and he for the answers. It were only a few times he asked me something. And those times it were about the most travel things like my favorite flower or what I like to eat. At the last question I said; "O negative" that made him squeak, since that were his blood type. I hadn't told him about the part that dhampirs didn't drink blood, unless we were fatally wounded. For us we were satisfied with just have our steak bloody. Of course there were those who drank blood for their own pleasure, but in general we did not need the blood. Thought we could drink, but we didn't. And besides Phillipe were a werewolf which probably made him taste awful. Not that I'd told him that.

Instead I leaned forward to his neck and bit him gently where his artery were. He gasped. Surprised by the fact that I had actually bit him.

When I released my bite I snuggled my nose against his throat, and breathed in. That was a mistake. The sent of his blood were so inviting. It made me want to bit him so badly. My fangs dropped. I were just about to bite him when I realised what I was doing. I jerked back from him and curled up at the end of the bed, keeping one hand in front of my mouth, hiding my fangs from his view.

"Victoria" his voice were as smooth as velvet "What's the matter?" He crept closer to me.

"Stay way Phil. I nearly bit you"

"No. It doesn't matter if you bite me, you will still be the most important person in my life."

"Stop. First; I haven't told you yes jet so don't pressure me. Two; Phil our bite can be dangerous, even deadly"

"I don't care"

"But I do"


I hope you liked the chap. Sorry it took me so long wright it. I'll upload soon, I'm thinking of writing the next one in Phillipe's POV but I'm not sure.

Please tell me what you think of this chapter and my idea for the next one.



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