Chapter 7

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Today, or tomorrow at the time, wouldn't be so great. I could just feel it. I mean, I have had a lucky past few days. Meaning I was setting myself up for disaster. Either that or I was just making these suspicions up since I was still so tired from staying up all night with Seamus. Still I wasn't looking forward to today so much. In all my classes, my dread wore on. I couldn't barely even pay attention. The only high points was being with Seamus and my friends. Later today, my brother had Quidditch Practice. Other than that nothing much else was going on. The day slowly buzzed on by, with me leaning on the edge of my seat to be able to hold onto those good times...

* Gryffindor Common Room *

"Hey, we have Quidditch practice soon. Hufflepuff's practice will end by the time that we get down there, so you might be able to see Cedric before he leaves? Wanna come with us?" Nicole asked, Harry by her side. Nicole was a Chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch Team, and a rather good one at that. While she'd rather be playing the game, I'd rather be the one watching it. It was just something that we always did.

She flashed me a grin, begging me to come with her before she started looking about the room, waiting for a reply from me. Luna Lovegood was here as well, hanging out with Nicole. "Luna's coming as well, but Hermione's staying to focus on studying for her Charms test tomorrow." Nicole clarified, as if sensing my question before I even asked, or thought about it for that matter.

My decision, you may ask, was simple. If you could call it that. I already knew that I was going to come along. Being outside watching them practice was better than being bored all day, so I smiled back, "Sure. That sounds really fun."

Hermione looked up, "Don't have too much fun while you're out. Well, you do know that someone has to study as well. We have a Charms quiz tomorrow, ya know? I hope that you've already studied beforehand, since you have Quidditch practice. I heard that this takes up a huge chunk of our first semester grade. You don't want to bomb this test, now would you?" She replied, scowling a little. Typical Hermione behavior.

"I studied. I'm not sure if anyone else has. We can only hope." Nicole piped up jokingly, laughing a little. Hermione was a little too serious when it came to studying. Or just school in general. It was just something that annoyed us to death, but without her being so serious, she just couldn't be Hermione Granger.

Hermione rolled her eyes playfully, "Yeah, yeah. I'm sure some people here studied. Not sure about a couple though." A couple people meaning Harry and Ron. Ron's face was turning a little pink, obviously he'd forgotten to study. Harry, whom also saw this, laughed. "Don't worry, Hermione. I'll make sure that we all study, just for your sake. If my grade slips, you'll just nag me to bring it up again."

Hermione giggled, "I'm not that bad, am I? I-It's just...I worry about you. If you don't get good grades then you won't be able to get a good job. I know you want to be an Auror, Harry. They have certain requirements."

"So we'll see you later, then?" Ron mutters, his face still flushed from embarrassment , as he was inching slowly toward the door.

Hermione nodded, her eyes on the book again, "See you later." Once she had her nose in a book, I guess everyone sensed that the conversation was over. It was time to go. And the feeling of something bad happening came back.

So all of us, (Ron, Harry, Nicole, Luna, and I) made our way out of the Gryffindor Common Room.

The Quidditch field looked like it had been mostly emptied of the Hufflepuff Quidditch players, including my brother. Which wasn't good, seeing as I had been hoping to be able to talk to him...

"Nicole, I'm sorry, but I'm going to find Cedric, if that's okay."

"I'll come with you!" Luna offered, smiling at me. I found myself smiling back. Despite being a bit...strange, she was a nice person. People just needed to have the chance to get to know her a bit more.

"Go ahead, it's just a practice anyways. He might be wandering off to the Hufflepuff common room, your brother, so I'd look over there." Harry replied. Nicole didn't say anything, she didn't need to. Her facial expression had said it all.

"Okay, thanks." Luna said, smiling over at me. "Ready to go, Emma?" Nodding, I flashed Nicole a smile, I'd talk to her later.

Despite Nicole's puppy dog eyes, I left, Luna with me.

"And so that's where I found my shoes-things will come back to you. Maybe just not in the way you'd expect." Luna was talking about her fourth year, when she had lost her shoes. And when and where she found them. I wasn't fully paying attention, but Luna wasn't the type to lecture me.

"That's great, Luna. Though I do wonder how someone had managed to get your shoes hanging up there so high."

"I suspect the nargles." Luna replied just as we arrived at the Hufflepuff Common Room.

"Ah. Well-"

"Looking for your brother, Emma?" A guy asked, breaking my train of thought. As I look behind me, I saw the Head Boy of Hufflepuff, standing right behind me.

"Guilty as charge." I commented, smiling. "Have you seen him around?"

"Actually, no, but...well. I think it best if I showed you him..."He replied, his voice getting quiet.

I wanted to speak, say something, but I couldn't. Luckily Luna noticed this, and jumped in for me. "What do you mean...?"

"Emma.. Sorry to be the one tell you this, but he's in the Hospital Wing..."

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