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I am a dancer and an artist
I am from velvet curtains
Dusty matts and brightly painted walls
I hear the buzz of stage lights and pounding adrenaline when I'm alone
I am from the rush
I see acrobats flying above billions of upturned faces
I am from the applause
The satisfaction of a bow
I pretend to be a bird, leaping into open air
I am from dreams of flight
I feel my heart thundering in my chest in the dark moments before the curtain rises
I am from the first pounding moments of a show,
Letting go of the nerves
I feel silky soft fabric, smooth wood, polished by years of hands
And the cold hard steel that I love
I am from bruises
Blisters and burns
I understand that what I am isn't easy but
I will never give up.

PoetryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant