**This was written after I yelled at my best friend and we had an argument over how bad our lives were. It was the day I told her, Laythe, and my other friend Victoria that I used to cut..Do you remember that stupid fight Kalee? I remember it...I was watching Texas Chainsaw Masacure, fighting with you, crying, mom&Callie upstairs asleep, telling Laythe that I cut and him freakin out&Victoria judging me and pestering me about it and why i did it and blahblahblah...
You stand there,
Talking trash.
Complaining that your life,
Is a living Hell.
You don’t know Hell.
You don’t know Satin.
You don’t know his wrath,
Or how scared you should be.
I know Hell.
I know Satin.
I know what his wrath is like,
And how scared I should be.
I wish I could tell you.
Explain everything to you,
But you won’t understand.
No one ever does.
Everyone calls me crazy,
Cuz he has them all fooled.
They all believe that he isn’t
Who I claim he is.
I could scream and cry,
But you and the whole world,
Wouldn’t understand.
You’ll leave me just like them.
No one sticks around,
Long enough to meet him.
They abandon me,
Just like you will.
Why do I even try,
Try to find someone who
Will believe me?
I’m not sure.
I guess I’m desperate.
I guess I want someone,
Who will care.
Someone to love me.
Are you the one,
Who will care for me?
Who will love me?
Who will save me?
But then,
I know the answer to that.
No you are not.
But then,
Maybe you are.
Maybe you’ll safe me
From Satin.
I’m alone.
I’m dead.
I’m gone.
I’m scared.
This is my call,
For help.
This is my scream,
For anyone to hear.
Poems for Everything (Part#1)
RandomThese poems are by me, I write them from my heart. It took a lot of convincing myself to put these on here for everyone to look at. So go ahead, judge me and comment whatever is on your mind. But let me tell you one thing: One day, you could have a...