I need to get out...
I want to scream...
I want to cry...
I want to hate...
I'm so numb...
I've thought about cutting,
but I don't think it'll bring me out of numbness...
I can't get myself to scream...
I can't cry, or if I do...
it doesn't help...
I want to hate her cuz of you...
but I can't....
I'm so numb...
I can't get out...
I can't scream...
I can't cry...
I can't hate...
Cuz I'm so numb...
I feel nothing...
I should feel everything...
Maybe I'm broken..
Maybe there's nothing left of me...
I'm so numb...
Poems for Everything (Part#1)
RandomThese poems are by me, I write them from my heart. It took a lot of convincing myself to put these on here for everyone to look at. So go ahead, judge me and comment whatever is on your mind. But let me tell you one thing: One day, you could have a...