Confused Feelings

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  • Dedicated to Austin

I wanted to tell him
how he makes me feel.

I wanted to let him know
that he makes my belly flips.

That makes my belly
fill up with butterflies.

Before I get to tell him
he says he loves me.

As his best friend,
and that's it.

It tore my heart out,
and I couldn't tell him

how he lights up my day,
how he makes my heart flip,

how he can always make me smile
and happier than I've been for a long time.

It's not fair,
but that's my life for ya.

I hate this.
I hate this so much.

I wish I could hug him
and tell him what

I just told you
in this stupid poem.

But, I can't now,
cause it'd sound stupid

to him,
and to myself.

I wish I could tell him,
but it's to late.

I missed my chance,
and I might never have another...

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