Th moon rises,
full and bright.
I feel fully awake,
with nothing covering my eyes.
Moonlight shines over the ground.
I see my prey sleeping.
A baby deer, still covered with spots,
is my prey tonight.
I hide in the shadow of
an old oak tree.
The baby deer sleeps on,
her mother besid her.
I watch,
my preditor eyes watching her
breathe, her ear twitches,
and finally her eyes open.
I smell her fear,
she knows she's being watched.
She get's up on shakey legs,
searching for me.
I smile, my teeth gleaming,
she backs away, still looking.
I stay in the shadows,
letting a growl escape.
She starts running,
I do love the chase.
I run after her,
smelling her fear.
She falls, breaking her leg.
I smile and circle her.
She cries out,
I smile and growl.
She sees me finally.
Her eyes widen.
I pounce.
I snap her neck and she's dead.
I feast until
the moon sets.
I find shelter and sleep
until the moon rises.
Then it starts again.
Poems for Everything (Part#1)
RandomThese poems are by me, I write them from my heart. It took a lot of convincing myself to put these on here for everyone to look at. So go ahead, judge me and comment whatever is on your mind. But let me tell you one thing: One day, you could have a...