My mom always tells me:
"You can tell me anything,
I won't judge."
But I know that
it's a lie,
cause she always does.
I can't tell her anything
without seeing the disappointment
in her eyes.
That disappointment,
it kills me on the inside,
and I want to cut.
That's when I realized that
no one will ever care
at home about me.
How can it be,
that the house is filled
with my family of three.
But, it's like
everybody's gone
and I'm all alone?
The silence of my family,
I know it speaks the truth,
that our family is an illusion.
I want to scream sometimes,
just so the silence around me
will break and something will happen.
But, I know I won't.
I'm to scared that the silence
is hidding something worse.
Nobodies home,
everybody is there.
I don't know,
what to think,
or what todo.
I love them,
I hate them,
I miss them.
Poems for Everything (Part#1)
RandomThese poems are by me, I write them from my heart. It took a lot of convincing myself to put these on here for everyone to look at. So go ahead, judge me and comment whatever is on your mind. But let me tell you one thing: One day, you could have a...