Chapter 12: 24 Hours

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"So we just gonna sit here and stare at each other?" I asked. August had the opportunity to do anything he wanted for 24 hours, but we were doing nothing.

He shook his head. "I can't believe you fuckin' niggas for money."

I rolled my eyes. I wasn't just "fuckin' for money," I was trying to get back on my feet. His opinion didn't even matter to me. We weren't together and he's not in control over my life, so I can do whatever you I want.

"You just wasted 50,000 thousand dollars. I'm leaving." I stood up and walked towards the door, but he pulled me back.

"You not leavin'."

"Yes, I am." I pulled away only to be pulled back once again.

"No the hell you not. Sit the fuck down."

I huffed like a little kid and sat back down.

"You couldn't get a real job, Mya?" August asked, obviously angry.

"Your job isn't even real! You're a fucking stripper!" I argued.

"Stripping ain't illegal! Don't try to turn this around on me."

"I'm just trying to make money, and I'll do anything for it."

That was the end of the conversation. We went back to neither one of us saying anything. And the silence was making me in need of my favorite drug.

Just as I was about to go to the bathroom, August went before I did. I took the moment to get high off the cocaine.

I pulled out the baggie from my purse. Ever since I got in the business, the amount of cocaine in my system has been higher than ever. Tommy was willing to give us anything that we wanted as long as we continued to bring in some money. The amount that Tommy gave us was so much more than what William used to give me. The amount was just enough to not overdose on it.

The moment I inhaled the first line, I heard August's voice. "Mya, what the fuck you doing?"

I ignored him until I was finished with the first line. "Getting high, you want some?"

He just looked at me. I knew he was mad and would want me to get clean, but I didn't care. After these 24 hours were up, I would go back to the mansion, he would go back to whatever it is he does, and we'd pretend like this never happened and we'd probably never see each other again.

August quickly swiped all of the cocaine that was on his table onto the floor, causing me to gasp. "You addicted to this shit?"

"Why'd you do that, August?!" I exclaimed. I was furious. I had only done one line, and one line didn't give me any effects anymore.

"Answer my question." He growled.

"No." I said. I wasn't addicted to cocaine, I could quit at anytime, but I wasn't going to because it took me to a place that made me forget about all my problems.

"Give me the rest of it." He held out his hand.

"That was all of it." I lied. I was only staying with him for 24 hours, and I wasn't going to let him ruin my supply.

He knew I was lying.

"Give it to me, Mya."

"No." I mumbled.

August looked over towards my purse. When he looked at my purse, I looked at it too, then back at him, He and I both knew that the rest of my cocaine was in there. But the question was, who would get to it first?

"August, don-" Before I could get the rest of my sentence out, he ran over and grabbed my purse, but I quickly snatched it from him. "Please just leave it alone. After these 24 hours are up, I won't be your problem anymore."

I thought August was actually listening to me, but he wasn't. The moment I finished my sentence, August snatched my purse back and ran to the bathroom. I quickly hopped up and ran to the bathroom behind him. Of course, he was faster than me.

When I got to the bathroom after him, I found him pouring all of my cocaine into the toilet.

"August, what the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yelled, pushing him out of the way in an attempt to save some of the coke, but it was already too late.

I sighed and watch the cocaine float on the toilet water. Then August flushed it and I watched it swirl down until there was none left.

How was I going to be able to survive the rest of these 24 hours with August if I didn't have any cocaine?





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