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 Five Years Later

"Hey, mommy." Five-year-old Amiyah walked into her mother's classroom, throwing her book bag down. 

"Hey, sweetie." Mya said. Mya had gotten her degree in Early Childhood Learning and teaches kindergarteners. Amiyah was in kindergarten, but her mother wasn't her teacher.

"Mom, yesterday daddy told me we could get ice cream if I made all 100s on my report card." She said hanging the piece of paper to me. I looked at the paper and she had 100s on the entire report card. Mya smiled, she was so smart.

"Yeah, we can go." Mya said just as AJ stomped into my classroom followed by August.

"August, what did you do to my baby?" Mya asked picking up three-year-old August Jr.

"His little ass bad as hell." August said and went over to his beautiful to give her a kiss.

AJ was extremely bad. He went through terrible ones, terrible twos, and now terrible threes. He copies what he hears people say, so he uses a lot of profanity. His teacher always has to call August or Mya about him.

"AJ, what did you do?" 

"Nothing." He mumbled.

"He called his teacher a fat bitch." 

My mouth dropped. "Oh hell no AJ! You don't copy what the fuck I say. I'm grown, I can say those words if I want to." I popped him. "AJ, you got one more time to do some shit like this."Mya said and set him down. She was livid. From the stories that August has told her, he was bad as hell when he was younger ttoo.

All of them left the school. August took Amiyah to get some ice cream for her 100s while Mya took AJ home. His bad ass wasn't getting ice cream.

"August, yo' son is so fucking bad." Mya said to him once him and Amiyah finally got back from getting ice cream.

"So he my son now?"

"Yes, because he act just like you."

August got in the bed next to Mya and she rested her head on his chest. "But the other day, when that car almost hit us, wasn't you the one that called the lady a fat bitch? AJ get that shit from you."

I rolled my eyes. "Fuck off." A week ago, they were on our way back home and some lady pulled out and almost hit them. Although Mya wasn't driving, she had road rage. Mya had so many things to say about the woman. She called her so many things; she assumed that the kids were sleeping, but obviously not AJ.

August and Mya continued talking until Amiyah and AJ come into our room. Sometimes, they just come in here because they don't want to go to their beds. Amiyah would usually squeeze her way inbetween August and Mya and AJ would crawl onto Mya. When they fall asleep, August would carry Amiyah to her bed and Mya would carry AJ to his.

Mya grabbed my phone and went to my camera, took a picture, then posed it on Instagram.

@Mya.xo: The Alsinas

At first our love was forbidden, but true love will always conquer all. We're now married with two beautiful children. Our lives are perfect , but it was hell on earth to get to that point.


The End! Thank you all for the love and support throughout August and Mya's journey.

Hell On Earth (August Alsina Fanfiction) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now