Chapter 18: Everything's Kosher

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It seemed as if everything was going in slow motion. I was just the four of us staring at each other for what seemed like forever, while Shelby sat watching the whole thing happen. I knew something horrible to happen, I know no parent wants to hear that their baby girl is pregnant at just nineteen.

My mother was the first one to react to what I said. I knew my mother and she was never the type to hold a grudge. So even if she was upset, she would get over it very soon.

My mother stood up. "What did you just say?"

I opened my mouth to repeat myself, but no words would come out. I just knew this was about to end badly, but it's nothing that they can do to me. I'm nineteen years old and I don't live with them so I can do what I want and I don't need their approval.

"I'm pregnant." 

I thought my mother was about to slap me or something when she walked over to me. But instead of her doing anything like that, she pulled August and I into a group hug. Instead of hugging her back, I let my arms hang by my side because I wasn't sure if this was really happening or if I was just imagining it all. After realizing that I wasn't imagining, I wrapped my arms around her.

I pulled away from the hug, hoping that my father would have a reaction that was similar to my mothers. Of course, I was wrong. Daddy was walking away. He didn't even say anything, he just left.

I shrugged. I wanted him to be happy for me, but he chooses to act this way and I'm not going to let it stress me out. 

I sat back down on the couch and ignored the speech my mother was giving me about how raising a child was a lot of hard work and sleepless nights. I didn't need to listen to the speech, I already knew that raising a child is hard, but I have August by my side, so it's okay.

"Thanks for the speech, mommy. I'm going to talk to daddy." I said. She took a break from her speech, so I took this time to go and find daddy and talk to him.

I walked into his and my mother's bedroom to see him starring at a picture frame on his dresser. It was a picture of him and I when I was three years old. That was when he was a caring person.

"Hi." I poked my head in through the door.

He looked over at me, lifted his hand as if to say hello, and turned back to the picture frame.

"Aren't you happy that you're going to be a granddad." I smiled and sat down next to him.


I sighed. "Daddy, I know why you hate August."

He looked at me.

"It's the same reason all fathers hate their daughter's boyfriends. You think he's gonna replace you."

He raised his eyebrow. 

"You were the first man I ever loved, Daddy. And now that I love someone else, you think I'm gonna stop loving you." 

He looked as if he was unsure of what I was saying, but I nodded at him because I knew I was right. I had seen a movie similar to this once.

"I'd never stop loving you, daddy. But you just keep doing these childish things, sometimes I feel like I'm the parent and you're the child." I said. "I love you, but I love August too, and I don't want the two men I love to hate each other. Please just talk to him daddy."

He still stayed quiet. I rolled my eyes, kissed his cheek and exited.

This was my final plead with my father to make things right with August. If he wasn't going to make an effort to at least respect him, then I was going to stop making an effort with him.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a water bottle, then went back into the living room.

"Where's August?" I asked.

"Pops and him just left." Shelby told me.

"Yeah, he came out here and said he wanted to talk to him and they left."

There was only two reasons why my father would want to "talk" with August. Either he listened to what I was saying and decided to actually talk to August. Or he was planning on hurting or killing him.


I was in the kitchen when I heard the front door open and two voices. That had to be daddy and August. They had been gone for hours. I peeked into the living room to see what was going on. They were actually talking. I smiled as the ended there conversation with a manly hug and went their separate ways.

If there was no more animosity between the two of them, then everything is perfect. All thanks to me.


"Hey, dad! Hey mom!" I smiled as I walked into the kitchen where my mother was cooking breakfast. I was tremendously happy this morning. "So daddy, how did things go with you and August last night? Is everything kosher?"

"Yeah everything is "kosher." Congratulations on the baby." He said while putting air-quotes around the word kosher.

My father was a simple person, had he never really went into detail with anything. But I didn't really need to know what went down between daddy and August, as long as everything was good.

"Are you going to go back to sending me money now?"


Sorry it's so boring, but... 




Also, this book is almost over, but I will be publishing another one when I'm finished with this one. It's not a part of this series and it's also my first non-fanfiction. I'm going to post the first two chapters now, but I will not post the rest of the chapters until this book is complete. Please check it out it's called No Love On The Court.    

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