Chapter 13: Not Going

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I looked at August as if he were the one who did cocaine. He suggested that I need help.

I didn't need help. That was the last thing I needed. If I wanted to stop doing cocaine, I could.

"I don't need help. I'm fine." I said. I really was fine. I wasn't strung out or anything and no one could even tell that I was on cocaine by just looking at me.

"Shut up, Mya. I'm getting you some help." He demanded and I furrowed my eyebrows. He has gotten so mean over the past few months.

He was not my father and I was not letting him tell me what to do. "I don't need help."

He just ignored me, "First, you gotta get tested for STDs. You know, Gonorrhea, AIDS, Syphilis, shit like that. Then you  gotta see if you pregnant. Then you goin' to rehab."

Rehab? Did I hear that correctly?

"First of all, I don't have any STDs. Second, I'm not pregnant, I'm on the pill. And lastly, I don't need your help. I don't need shit from you. You're the reason, I left. You weren't doing shit to help me when I actually needed help, so I don't need you to try to help me now!" I yelled.

August looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "You so over-dramatic, get in the car."

August grabbed his car keys and proceeded to his car. But I wasn't moving. It was 12 o'clock and August only had about 12 hours left. What "help" could he get me in 12 hours?

"August, I'm not getting in that car unless you takin' me back to the mansion." I declared.

"Get in the fuckin' car, Mya."


"Okay." He said. There was no way that he was just going to give up like that, he was up to something.

August pulled out his phone, made a call, and put it on speaker. I listened to the rings until someone finally picked up. "Hey August, you found Mya yet?"

My mouth dropped. He had brought my mother into this.

"Yeah, I found her."

"Really? Where was she?" My mother asked enthusiastically.

"She was sellin' h-" I interrupted him my snatching the phone from him.

"Hey, mom. I'm fine, but August and I are going somewhere, I'll call you later." I said and quickly hung up the phone before I could respond. My eyes went over to August, who had a huge smile on his face. I glared at him. "I fuckin' hate you."

"Just get in the car."


"Okay, your results should be back within two weeks." The nurse said.

This was absolutely pointless. By the end of today, I was going to be back to the mansion. I wasn't going to be around in two weeks. August didn't think about that.

The clinic that August took me too also did pregnancy tests. After the nurse, did the ultrasound on me, she told me that I wasn't pregnant, which I already knew.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of the clinic. All my clients wear condoms so I wasn't pregnant and I didn't have a STD so this visit to the clinic was pointless.

When I came out of the clinic, I walked past August, who was leaning by the door of the clinic.

"Everything good?" August asked.

"Fuck you." I said and got in the car after he unlocked it.

He started the car, but before he drove off, he turned to me. "You wanna get something to eat before I take you to rehab?"

"You not taking me to rehab." 

"I am. Answer the question." 

"I not going."

"You are." He said as he started to drive.

"August, I'm not doing this with you." I declared.

"Don't. But you still going." 

"I'll jump out this ca right now."

"I find you." 

I groaned. "You're such a fucking asshole. I wish somebody had outbid you for me."

He just shrugged as if he didn't care about anything that I was saying. 

Within a few minutes, he stopped at a place called, The Recovery Resort. "August, please don't make me go." I pouted. I know I was talking a lot of shit before, but now that we're actually here, I just feel like crying.

"Get out the car, Mya."

"No." I crossed my arms.

"Alright." August got out the car, but I quickly locked the door. Unfortunately, he had the keys in his hand, so he unlocked the door. Once he opened my door, he reached across my to release me from my seat belt, but I hit him.

I continued to hit him, but he still got me out of the seat belt. He picked me up bridal style to carry me into the building. I quickly made my way out of his arms and ran back to his car, but he grabbed me by my waist, pulling me back.

"Let me go, August!" I screamed and continued to fight him. I bit him, causing him to let go of me again. I got back into August's car and tried to close the door, but he grabbed it. "No!" I yelled. August yanked the door open and picked me up again.

"Aw! Goals!" Some young girl yelled to us. Wasn't it obvious that he and I were fighting.

I wasn't going to stop until I got my way and August wasn't going to stop until he got his. One of us was going to have to give up, and that wasn't going to me be. I'm not going in there.


Is August going to be able to get Mya into rehab?

Or are the going to continue fighting in the parking lot?




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