Chapter 5:Coming Clean

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My wolf was freaking out. I mean I'm good just my wolf is angry I let his mate go.

'You know you won't be a great leader without your Luna'.

I shrugged.

'She wouldn't have been a good one anyway. She's weak. Who wants that'.

'We could have trained her to become great'. He growled at me.

I shut him up. My dad was freaking out cause Sam was gone.

She looked just like my mom a little a reason why he did what he did to her.

"We need to find her". He said pacing back and forth in his office.

"Dad just find another chick".

"No I love her". He growled at me and I rolled my eyes and sat down.

"Just call all the packs close to us and see if they went into there territory".

"No they wouldn't help me".

I nodded. It's true. Most packs don't like the way he was treating Sam and the other omegas.

Just thinking about how Brianna looked a few days ago when I rejected her. Her face said pain and hurt.

I shook that thought out of my head. I need to find her. Not cause she's my mate. It's if she dies part of me will too and she can't survive out there.


I woke up next to an empty bed. I jumped out of bed to hear the shower running. I grabbed my chest relieved. I was scared my bestfriend was gone.

She came out of the bathroom ten minutes later with a towel around her and a real smile.

"Why are you so happy"? I smiled.

"It's just last night the moon goodness sent me a dream with my mate. Bri your right he won't hurt me. He will protect me. He's my other half and I'm ready to tell him".

This is a huge step for her. And I'm happy for her.

"You going to tell him by yourself".

Her eyes got wide. "No"! She shook her head.

"I need you to be there. We are going to do it together".

I nodded.

"Nana brought us some clothes and she said once we are dressed to meet the guys in the kitchen for breakfast".

I nodded.

I went to the bathroom and took a shower and for the first time in years I got to take a real shower. I didn't want it to end but I knew I needed to.

After my shower I put on the clothes on the bed and Sam and I linked arms and went to the kitchen.

We walked in there and it was just Chris and Dwayne eating breakfast. My stomach was growling. I haven't really eaten in days.

"Grab a seat. The cook will make you a plate.

Sam and I sat in between them and once the plate sat in front of us we dug in.

I bet we looked like hungry animals.

"Hey slow down. There's plenty more food. It's not going anywhere". Dwayne said.

Sam and I looked at each other and then wiped our mouths.

"Umm sorry we haven't had food like this in a long time". I said.

"What do you mean"? Chris asked confused.

I looked at Sam.

'It's time'. I said to her and she nodded.

"We need to talk". I said.


I walked them into my office which is soundproof so we could have privacy.

They sat on the couch and Dwayne and I pulled chairs and sat in front of them.

"So what did you need to tell us"? Dwayne asked. 

They looked at each other nervously and then at us.

"Umm where do I start"? Brianna asked playing with her hands.

"How about the beginning". I said.

"Umm Sam and I were in the Sliver Moon Pack".

I've heard about that pack. Actually I was going to fight the Alpha for his position. I mean I could get it with my eyes closed and my hands tied behind my back. He isn't fit to be Alpha.

He could care less about his pack and I don't appreciate that one bit.

"Wait the Sliver Moon Pack. That's a strong pack an evil pack". Dwayne said.

Brianna nodded. "Yeah we were the omegas and treated like dirt. They would beat us everyday even if we didn't do anything. So we decided it was time to go".

'They hurt our mate!!!' My wolf growled. Of course he was angry. And so was I. Nobody should be beaten for no reason.

I grabbed Brianna's hands. She flinched a little but I gave her a warm smile and she returned it.

Brianna looked at Sam who looked like she was about to cry. And Brianna nodded her head.

"What's wrong Sam"? Dwayne asked worriedly.

"Umm w-when the A-Alpha would get mad or in the mood he would". She paused.

"What did he do"? Dwayne asked getting upset. I could see his wolf trying to come out.

She started and cry and Dwayne was quick by his side.

She leaned her head on his shoulder and Brianna looked shocked.

"What did he do"? He whispered.

"He raped me". She whispered and started to cry her eyes out.

Dwayne growled loudly scaring Sam. Making her jump.

His wolf was out and pissed off. He got up and opened the door then slamming it shut.

'Don't you do anything stupid Dwayne'.

'I'm going to kill him. He raped her. I'm going to fucking rip his head off and smash it into a tree'. He growled.

'You will not do anything until we meet up'.

"Fuck that. How would you feel if Brianna was raped huh. You would be just like me'.

I knew he was right but I don't need a war coming for the my pack or mate.

'You won't do anything until further notice'. I said in my King Alpha voice.

'Let me blow off steam then'. He tried to block me but he can't. I can communicate with everyone.

I looked at the girls and they looked scared.

"He just needed to cool down. Nobody ever once to hear something like that".

Sam nodded her head. "I understand".


I'm finally updating you guys I know it's been awhile. Sorry but I hope you liked this chapter

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