Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - Calm your tits Sadie.

2 Hours, 19 Minutes, and 8340 seconds..

That's how long I have till my first day back at school for my senior year. I'm not really looking forward to it. If it was up to me ( which it's not, sadly ) I'd have the summer be 6 months instead of 3.

Yes, I get we need our education and blah blah blah. But seriously? Teachers take it overboard sometimes.

Even though I saw my best friend a lot throughout the summer, I finally get to see her everyday.

We're practically twins, except for the fact that I am completely white, but i have the tendency to act black, oops?

But my best friend is the complete opposite, with her dark skin, long brown hair and her ability to look like she runs track, although she sits in her house all day eating food. Yes, that is Madeline VanBeck for you.

One summer she was complaining about going on a family cruise because she didn't want to get darker.

Well shame on the sun, because guess what it did? It gave her a tan line, even through her dark skin.

I had laughed at her non-stop because come on, isn't that hilarious?

I sigh as the thoughts of my best friend vanish, knowing I will see her in a couple hours.

I finally find my self drifting off to sleep, only to wake up only an hour later ( which really felt like a couple minutes ) to the sound of Go To Work by Kalin and Myles, blaring through my phones speaker.

I shut it off quickly not wanting to wake my parents up.

My mom always has had trouble sleeping. So waking her up would be death for me, seeing as I would get yelled at and most likely be late for school. My dad? He sleeps like a horse. ( yes i said horse )

My sophomore year I made him take me to school  every morning, due to the fact I never wanted to ride the bus.

Why? because I didn't want to tell someone to scoot over, or to choose a seat. That freaked me out.

So one evening I told my dad I would start waking him up at 6:30 if he took me to school.

It was so hard waking him up in the mornings. I'd have to scream 'dad' close to 5 times every morning before he finally woke up. 

That was the deal until I got my car, at the beginning of Junior year.

I shake my head getting rid of the thoughts.

I throw my blanket off, my body becoming instantly cold from the fan above me and walk to my bathroom to brush my teeth.

No, I do not take showers in the morning. I'd rather take them at night, let my hair dry while I'm asleep and savor the few hours of sleep I get every night.

I walk out of my bathroom with my eyes half closed due to the light that had just bombarded me and change into a pair of dark Hollister jeans, a white and gold long sleeve, with the word PINK written on the back.

I look at myself in the mirror and sigh, unbraiding my long brown hair, with a bleached strip underneath. Besides that, my hair is banal. It is literally too straight.

The only thing that can change that, is if I braid it. Because let's face it, if I try to curl it, even with a whole bottle of hairspray, it will fall within the hour.

I sit back on my bed, putting on my white converse, then go to check the time on my phone. 6:35. 5 minutes to get the rest of my stuff together and start heading to the place we like to call school. But in other words I describe in a much more unpleasant word. Hell.

I grab my black Jansport backpack, tossing it in the passenger side of my navy blue Challenger ( you have no idea how hard it was to convince my parents to get this car for me ), and head off to see what my first day of senior year will be like.

I pull up to Lynbrook High school jamming out to Or Nah, by The Weeknd. Sue me, I love him.

I turn down my music as I pull into a parking spot, having to back up and re-park a couple of times because let's face it, even though you get your drivers license doesn't mean you're going to be the best driver. I still cannot, for the life of me, park.

I grab my backpack, throwing it over my shoulder whilst turning off my beautiful car, shame on me, I'm in love with my car, what can I do about it? I throw open my door, not even thinking that anyone would be over here.

" Woah watch it slut " said a familiar voice.

I stand up, shutting my car door, turning around with a sly grin on my face, before throwing  my arms around my best friend.

" Hey no need for the name calling this early in the morning bitch, It's TOO EARLY! " I say clearly annoyed, but so happy to finally see Madeline again.

She laughs ridiculously loud, " Didn't get any sleep? "

I send a glare her way walking towards the doors not even caring if she was following me.

" You know me so well " I throw over my shoulder before going and sitting down at the table we have been sitting at for 4 years straight.

Madeline comes and sits beside while we wait for the other 5 of us to get here.

My phone suddenly vibrates, and I look down at it noticing a text from Sienna.

Sienna -
I'm almost there, my dad was acting crazy yet again. He sometimes forgets that I'm going to college soon. Anyways see you in a few. :)

Me -
Sienna get off your phone right now, you're freaking driving!

Sienna -
Calm your tits Sadie, I was at a red light, and I have one mom, I don't need two.

I sigh putting my phone down on the cafeteria table, knowing I shouldn't text her back.

I was so far gone in my thoughts about how I thought classes would go today, that I didn't notice Madeline elbow me, so of course she did it again, which made me groan and hit the back of her head.

" What the fuck was that for?! " I curse at her.

She chuckles,  then looks up, pointing to someone standing by the brick wall.

My gaze averts to where she is pointing and gasps as I see who it is.

      Luke Emerson..

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