Chapter 6

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Luke's house.


Chapter 6 - Certainly there's more Emerson's

Widdleton's Court, Los Angeles California.
The petition of Alice and Jeffrey Bennett. Residing at the city of Los Angeles
Your petitioner further alleges that the listed people a Last Will and Testament will take care of our children, Sadie and Grant Bennett

The following people listed, with their names, ages, relationship, places of residence, set opposite their names respectively are as follows:

Audrey Emerson


Place of residence:
7021 Crawfort Lane

Relationship to parents:
Friend of the family

Why is there only one person on that list ?

I keep going over what the judge just said in my head. Audrey Emerson..
Certainly there's more Emerson's then the one I know. That's a common last name.. Right?

I'm just worried about living with someone else. Not living with my parents is just.. Just hard to fathom. I miss them so much. I don't know what to do. I've lost people before so death isn't something new to me. But this is my parents we are talking about. When my cousin passed away that was tough, he was only twenty-two and it's been 8 years since that's happened and it's still affecting me. My grandma on my dad's side passed away when she was fifty-five and that's been 6 years and I still cry over her death. And my great- grandma passed away almost three years ago. I was never really close to her but it still affected me because she was still part of our family.

My parents always told me to never cry when something bad happened to them because they would be in a better place. But I can't help to shed tears as I'm sitting in this court room listening to my parents Will. So they were leaving us everything, even the house that I know we couldn't keep because we were not independent enough to live on our own.

When Luke had taken me home after the hospital, I walked into my house to see Grant playing PS3.
He saw how red my face was from crying and he instantly became worried. I had told him everything the doctor said, and when Grant started bawling his eyes out, that's when Luke thought it was his time to leave. I was hugging my brother and nodded my head towards Luke when he gave me a small, heart- warming smile and walked out the door. After that, me and Grant sat on the couch and cried together till we fell asleep in each other's arms thinking about our parents.

I hear the judges gavel being banged on the wood, and it brings me out of my thoughts.

" Mrs. Emerson please come to the front and get Sadie and Grant. You are now officially the legal guardian of these two. Court dismissed "
He bangs the gavel three more times then gets up and walks away right as Mrs. Emerson stop in front of us.

Mrs. Emerson looks at me with her green sparkling eyes. They look so familiar ...

" Hello Sadie, Grant. I am Mrs. Emerson but please, call me Audrey. "

She gives me a tight hug then moves to my brother and does the same.

" So we best be getting home. We can go to your house tomorrow and get your stuff, it's been a long day. "

She wraps her arms around both our shoulders as we walk
out of the courtroom.

I look to the side at her and see her staring at the ground as we walk, only looking up a few times to see where she's going. She's looks sad. Maybe because she didn't want us living with her. But then why would she be on our mother and fathers Will?
I shake my head and look at her appearance.
She's wearing a black pencil skirt, a red blouse, with a pair of black pointed high heels. She has her dirty-blonde hair put into a slicked back pony-tail, and minimal make-up on.
Wow she is gorgeous.

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