Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- 'Nice Legs'

I slowly break my gaze away from "Nice Legs", as Sienna likes to call him , to glare at my "friend" August.

"What?!" I say, clearly annoyed.

He smirks, " Oh nothing, but staring isn't polite. "

I scoff, shaking my head.
" I wasn't staring, I was observing from a distance."
August chuckles, walking away from our table to go hang out with his soccer buddies.

August is captain of our Varsity soccer team here at Lynbrook. To say he is just good, is an understatement.

The second bell rings, meaning we have 5 minutes to get to class.

I chuckle lightly because Sienna didn't make it to breakfast.

Madeline comes up behind me asking, " What do you have first period?"

I look sideways at her, "Calculus."

She suddenly stops, wide eyed.
"Wait, you know your schedule?!"

I stop too, starting to laugh. Not just a 'haha' laugh, but a, bending- over- grabbing- my- stomach laugh.

" It was online dumb ass " I say, biting my lip, trying to control my laughter.

She twists around, and starts sprinting to what I assume, the front office to get her schedule.

Why she forgot to look online for her schedule, I have no idea.

I even told her last night on FaceTime, right before she hung up on me saying something like " I gotta go, my mom is yelling at Daniel because he is running around naked."

Yes, I said naked. He's only five, okay? He likes to be free. Wink,Wink. If you're catching my drift.

I bring my fist to my forehead, blowing out a breath. Geez I think too much.

I look up noticing I made it to my Calculus class.

I scan my classroom, seeing if I know anybody in here. I silently curse to myself, not seeing anybody. Great, I'm all alone for first period. Yay me. Note the sarcasm.

My schedule went like this.. Calculus, English 4, Choir, Government, Economics, Clinical Rotations, then Volleyball.

Yes, I am a volleyball player.

After fifth period, I was walking to lunch, when Sienna and August fell in step with me, walking the rest of the way to my Happy Place. Aka, the cafeteria.

I sit down at the only open table I see and wait till everyone gets here.

No, I do not eat lunch, but I do not starve myself.

I started freshman year when one day I just stopped asking my mom for money because I didn't like the schools lunch. So I would just wait till I got home and stuffed myself with junk food.

August and Sienna had left me to go get food, and we're now coming back, Sienna with a cheeky smile on her face as they both sat opposite of me. She looks around quickly, before leaning in close to me, " I saw 'Nice Legs' "

My jaw drops and I look around scanning the cafeteria for Luke.

I see him sitting with his group of friends. I say friends like there is a lot of them, but Luke isn't the popular type. Everyone knows him, but he keeps to himself and of course talks to Jayden and Andrew.

If y'all really want the truth, during my freshman year I had the biggest crush on Andrew. Thinking back I remember sending the dumbest fucking DM on Instagram to him. It went a little like this ' I like you & I know you already knew that but I'm too scared to talk to you in person '

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