Ch. 7 He always wins but I never lose.

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Chapter 7

Lexis POV

I gave a big sigh and lay down in the large king size bed. Did I mention he had a vacation home in here? It was really beautiful. It had a full balcony at the end of the room I was in. I picked out a swimsuit but all I could find was bikinis. I was planning to wear the least reveling clothes. Then I noticed some movement. My eyes moved quickly at the door and notice Damon opened the door.

“You could knock and ask if I was done dressing!” I yell at him.

“What’s the fun in that?” he gives a laugh. My eye twitches and then I throw the pillow at his face directly at his nose.

“That wasn’t very nice,” He said kissing his teeth and then going toward me. If he comes too close for comfort, he’s going to get it. I didn’t put on sunscreen because I don’t get burned easily. Then he leaned near me. His hands were at both sides of my head.

“You look hot you know,” He said in a whisper.

“Well you’re boiling with anger,” I told him as he was staring at my body. He was shirtless and I hate to say it but he really is hot! Why did he have to talk and ruin everything?

“What do you mean by that, I’m not angry?” he asked confused “Oh…” When he realized his eyes widened and about to back away but it was too late. I kicked him up there. He let out a yell and dropped to the floor. I got up and kicked him in the back really pissed up.

“If I dare see your eyes on some girl or have a sense you’re thinking perverted, I’ll do that again,” I gave him a threat. I was wearing a black bikini but I liked mine at home a lot more. He gave me a sharp look not liking the threat. When I went to the door he caught up with me.

“You’re real cute when you’re jealous but do you really want to challenge me physco?” He asks me. Too bad, I really looked forward to be called by my name. I gave him another look.

“Well I’m going be just adorable when we go out there,” A sour smile came up on my face. He put one of those flirty smiles on his face. Then I realized something.

“You’re calling me a physco now?” I asked him in disbelieve.

“For hitting me,” He said pretty pissed off and then walked up to me again but not close enough that I’d be able to attack him.

“I warn you, I always win,” He said sweetly.

“Well while we’re giving warnings, I never lose,” I narrowed my eyes at him. We gave each other rude stares. If any entered there room they’d think we would ready to kill each other. He got close and I was ready to punch him in the gut for getting close again. But this time he caught my arm quickly and pulled me close. My face flushed red and my heart beat went fast. I didn’t like this…!

“You think you’re so strong,” he says “but I have a third degree black belt and a lot of training. A girl like you won’t ever beat someone like me in any way.” He put his face close to me as if he was going to kiss me. Who the hell did he think I was!? What the hell did he think this was!? This wasn’t one of those drama movies where the girl and guy fight and end up making out.

“Do I look like I give a shit…?” I asked him rudely.

“Maybe you do,” He said smartly and he got ready to kiss. My anger was flying off the top. The steam was coming out my knees. I pushed him away with all my strength but I had to tell you, he was strong!

“This isn’t a drama movie you ass!” I yelled out and then opened the room door to exit the room. I slammed the door closed behind me and I could hear the demon laughing. My heart was pounding as I leaned against the door. There was a weird mixing feeling in my stomach. He was getting to me… Oh hell no is I going to get played by him! I sighed and shook my head and then some girls passed by me. The hallway was partly outside. There was a concrete roof but as soon as you walked straight up, you’d openly walk into the beach.

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