Ch. 12 Tour of the Demon's school.

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Chapter 12


I threw the neon green ball up into the ceiling. There was no doubt that Physco still had a crush on her childhood friend. Seth obviously really loves her too. Damn, this girl... Why is this bothering me so much? She’s my girlfriend by money or not. It was one o’clock and I couldn’t get any sleep. I toss my body to the other side. What happened today was bothering me. If only I had actually shot. No, she had to block me and scare me! I really need to get rid of her.

Like you could... – Conscious.

Shut up...!

I followed into a sleep, with thoughts still lingering on.

The alarm ran against my ears. I move around to sreach for it but only end up tossing it across the room.  A smile spread along my face at the silence. I could have been the hundrenth alarm clock I've broke. I rose up from my bed and dragged my feet to the psycho's room to annoy her to death.

“HEY PHYSCO!” I yelled out loudly, ponding against her door. She groaned and a smile spread on my face in pleasure. She was annoyed, that’s good. I continued to pound my fist against the door.

“Let me sleep!” She yelled out of annoyance. I would but what is the fun in that?

“You have school,” I called out. She loudly gasped through the door. Her large footsteps stomped over to the door. I fought laughter by biting down my lip. She had competely forgotten that she was suspended from school. Suddenly, it grew silent.

“Hey, are there any clothes around here?” She tiredly asks.

“Why, you aren’t wearing any?” I teased smirking.

“Do you really wanna ask for it at the morning? Plus, I bet your not wearing a shirt again,” She kissed her teeth. I could just see her rolling her eyes at me. She didn't know that I could easily open the door and take a peak. I wasn't willing to tell her either. I glance down on my own clothes and somehow, she was right. No shirt...  It doesn't make sense to why she'd insult me for it. She’s a physco Damon... I reminded myself.  The door slams open and my eyes grew wide as I stepped back at the last second, still having my head smacking against the edge. Ow...

“Oh god, I’m late!” She yelled out, walking past me as if I wasn't there. She hadn't been at the washroom or done anything and she could still go out looking like that. Her hair was hardly in tangles. If she was a celebrity, I doubt they'd find a bad morning picture. Too bad, I could have used that as threat. She glances at the right, hoping to run down and get to the car. I'm so happy she didn’t notice me getting hit by the door.

“Well let’s go...!” She demanded.

“Yea... later...” I was hoping she'd catch on.

Now,” She hissed. Oh...temper...

“Ok, ok, whatever you say but are you actually going in that tank top and in short shorts?” I cracked a laugh but having no problem with it “I don’t mind though, I like you this way, so will many other guys.” Her right eye began to twitch and I ducked for cover in fear she was going to slapt me again. She snickered and took a step back. All she gave me was a death glare with holding her anger.

“Then give me something to wear,” She dryly suggested.

“Sure princess,” I winked, only to be ignored by her. I head downstaris and inside of the walk in closet that my cousins had used. They left a couple of their stuff here but they were no where near Psycho's style. Wait...why didn’t physco decide herself what she’s gonna wear? Since when... I heavily sighed. She was getting me to do her own work. Well, all bad deeds don't go unpunished-at least this time.

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