Ch. 25 Rich wifes magazine featuring: Demon & Psycho

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Chapter 25

Demon and I awkwardly walk over down the hall. He tries to scratch his shoulder with his head as if he was a dog. My lips cracked a smile but I lay it down again. We didn’t look at each other but not for the same reason as before. We were both uncomfortable on what we were wearing. It was as if we were in a kid’s play room. We were dressed up. We were the perfect couple. We were having a fancy dinner. Gag me...!

“Psycho,” He calls out.

“What...?” I say threw my teeth.

“I just thought you should know how important this is,” He says.

“Uh huh...and...?” I wait still looking straight ahead. This dress wasn’t easy to walk in. The front had real diamonds. Expensive dress that I hate... If it wasn’t pink and so long I might have liked it.

“Lucian is my second cousin and a prince...who is related to the queen of the England. So if you mess this up... You’ll embarrass everyone from our country,” Demon informed me. I felt my face go pale at the thought. Yea...let’s have the whole country hate me while at it! His mother was at the front door. She was checking if we didn’t enter wearing something crazy or maybe wearing nothing at all. Demon cracked a smile as if he could hear my thought. He was probably thinking the same thing. We were a good as two meters away from each other. Her mother gave us both glares.

“You don’t seem very close,” Her mother gave a fake smile. Demon was the first to move. He put his arms over me. I just blinked and let him even though I felt punching him out because of the bathroom incident.

“No, you’re not on a date, put your arm around her waist and by that I don’t mean near her ass,” Her mother gave him orders. Gees, was she professional to make it seem like people were really close? The door peaked over and I saw her father. He looked over at us. Oh...she probably did have to do it everyday... Maybe she only married Demon’s father for the money. I felt Demon’s hand slid down over to my waist and we both felt awkward. This wasn’t his style and it sure wasn’t anywhere near something I’d do. We looked at the other way not looking at each other. Her mother sighed.

“Honey you shouldn’t force them to do this. Just let them act like how they usually are,” His father said looking over at the two of us. Lucia hunter gave her husband a glare that read ‘stay out of this.’ He looked a bit frightened by her glare “Alright, do whatever you want...You’re the best at this.” He enters back into the room he was. Over there was the dining table. She looked over at us seriously.

“Look at each other,” She ordered. I felt like a puppet. That’s what we were at the moment. Demon bit his lip and we looked at each other but not friendly. She sighed as if we had a lot of work to do. Wearing something we’d never wear was uncomfortable enough.

“Make like a couple now or I’ll go down and burn your car,” His mother was dead serious. So Demon looked over at me and smiled as if he was in love. It was full fake. I could see it threw his eyes. So I gave a fake smile back. It didn’t feel like something we’d do, not even if we were together. Which won’t ever happen. I fake. His blue eyes looked bright and shining as ever. His black hair was down but I could see the scar I gave him at the forehead. Sure it was still small but I felt guilty about it. His scar looked as if you filled a C the other way around. My throat got blocked looking at him.

“Okay, everyone will arrive soon, just sit inside and be ready,” His mother ordered. We looked right away but his mother gave us a glare again. I’d rather frown. Then we entered the large dining room. I mean it looked really huge. How could you pass food threw here? Then I looked down below, really far off there was a door. Then there were two guys and girl down looking as if they were going to serve the food. Well that solves one problem. I sat down and tried not to slouch. We just sat there quiet. People had come in. I decided that maybe I shouldn’t eat at all in case I looked like a pig. I and Demon sat at the right side at the middle. He sat over at my right

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