Ch. 26. Psycho, meet a real pyscho.

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Chapter 26

A dirty blond hair girl was walking down the hallway with me. She was holding my laundry in her hands and she told me to come along with her. It was early morning and I was tired but why shouldn’t I go with her? I was too tired to think up of excuses so I got up instead. My brain was half dead. It was dreaming about my pay last night and what will I do with it. It was Monday morning... A day that many people hate. When I looked over at the girl, she had a creepy smile plastered on her face.

“Where are we going?” I asked her completely clueless.

“To the laundry,” She said as if she was calling me stupid. I just kept on walking but not knowing why was I going with her. Why did she even bother to ask? I look over at my feet as I made each step. Then we climbed down over at the basement. Then there was a whole huge room with washing machines. There were some other ladies over there and I only saw one guy. He didn’t look to friendly. My eyes lay off him and I watched the girl dumb the clothes.

“So why am I here?” I ask her with eyes half open. She sighs and her freaky smile finally went away.

“I don’t know... Why are you here?” She asked me. I just blink and stare at her. She was the one that asked if I could come along. So I decide that I should go back up stairs and into the room so I could fall asleep again.

“Oh wait, I remember,” The girl beside me... Remember what...?

“Hmm?” I ask with a loud yawn.

“Come with me,” She smiled creepily again. It made me think if she had mental issues. Being tired as I was I couldn’t care less. So I followed her and we ended up near the corner of the laundry room. Then I felt a hard hit on my head and then everything went black. It wasn’t what I expected. When I finally regain conscious, all I could see was black swirls. My wrists hurt as if they’re being tightened by something and the ankles of my legs. It bothered me. Then I remembered I had eyes and I could open it. Damn...why did I black out? Was I really that tired?

I open my eyes and then I see this guy in front of me. Who the hell was he? Let me tell you, he doesn’t look pretty. I blink tiredly and I just wanted to sleep again. Then I tugged on my legs to get up and walk to the bed. Then my eyes widened when I noticed my feet were practically tied together. My mouth was covered. This was all freaking me out and also stupid. I tugged on my arms but they were tied behind my back over a chair. I was tied to a chair. A very hard not comfortable chair. All I knew is that I couldn’t move. People have some very nice skill in tying knots. This so was not the time for complimenting others! I looked around and noticed that it was mostly dark and the room was pretty small. Well it was really small compared to the rooms I’ve been living in lately.

“What the hell are you doing? Let me go!” I ordered but what came out of my mouth were muffles. It tasted funny too. The guy in front of me just smiled. There were three girls around me too. One was the dirty blond hair girl with the freaky smile. She seemed to enjoy this for some reason. What were they trying to do? Kidnap me? Chances are that I was still in the mansion.

“Mff, efff, off, eff!” All the word came out of my mouth but what I meant ‘Take this off me!’ They were laughing. If I could move my leg right now, I’d kick them really hard. My eyes narrowed.

“See, I told you that rich bastards are a lot fun when they’re tied up,” The guy said in front of me to one of the girl’s right by. He was pathetic. There was a joke that I wasn’t getting here. I’m not rich either... I growl at them.

“If you promise not to yell, I’ll take it off,” The guy in front of me said as if he was the leader now. I roll my eyes and give a nod. So he uncovers my mouth. Then I let a big breath out and glad to have air. If only he’d untie my leg at least. That way I could get up and smash him with the chair in the face. Then I’d tie him to the chair and laugh at him!

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