Ch.16 Love me or love me not.

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Chapter 16

            Sunday was right at the window. I lay there in my bedroom looking out into the beautiful view. Today, I was getting my first payment except I’d get more because Demon betted on things he shouldn’t have. I made a list of things to do to embarrass Demon.

-Tell whole school about what happened at the beach

-Make scenes when he says something insulting - school

-Get handcuffs and tie him to me (that plan has a downside)

-Dress Gothic/emo/scene at his school

-Make friends with his enemies

-Alienate Angelica

-Drive horribly

-If he tries flirting with a girl either alienate the girl or go walk in front of the guy and ask if they could fake it with me.

-Change Demon’s wardrobe

-Redecorate his room

-temporary dye his hair a weird color and make him think it’s permanent

-Touch his stuff

            I had a lot more stuff of course. Hopefully of my hard work to come up with a list would work out. Reminds me, I was supposed to go shopping today again to buy new clothes. Then I start imagining what I could do with fourteen thousand and three hundred dollars. I can’t wait to have it all to myself! It made me really excited. A big smile was on my face.

            “Lexis,” I heard Demon’s mother voice call. I sat up...

            “Yes...?” I asked her.

            “I’m giving your payment now... I have to go to work. Make sure Damon stays home today,” She told me behind the door. I opened the door for her and smiled to her.

            “Alright, I will,” I promised. It sounded like I was babysitting him. We went down to her office and she asked me if I wanted in a check or cash. I said check because I already have my own bank account that I don’t use because I didn’t really gain money myself before. I thanked her and she left for work. My eyes look at the check for ten thousand and make me whisper out a happy yes! To gain this much money seemed worth it. I wonder if the Demon will notice me gone. I’m going to get a thousand with me today to shop and put the rest in my bank account. So then I climbed down into the garage and saw the large line of cars. Then I choose his Ferrari and who knew he actually fixed the dent. I drove all the way to the bank with it. I found myself having attention from the car I was riding. I dropped off the money on the bank. They were shocked by the money I gained but didn’t ask because they saw Lucia Hunter’s signature. Then I made my way back to the house and parked the car and left the key on the hook. When I climbed back over to upstairs to check if Demon was still there... He was...

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