Ch. 23: Demon vs Prince charming

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Chapter 23

I can’t believe he’s making me do this. Why am I here? Oh right, for the money. Demon stood in front of me. We were inside the room he was using. I was sitting on his bed with my legs folded. I held a sheet of paper in front of me filled with questions and answers. Demon stood tall as if he was going to have a meeting with a queen.

“Alright, first question,” I say with a dull voice. Demon blinks and waits for the question. After a minute of not saying the question, he gives me a glare. I yawned and looked at the dumb questions.

“What are your plans for the immediate future?” I ask him. Gee...I wonder... Professional player...?

“I have no plans for immediate future-“He says in a BRITISH accent.

“You really don’t!? You’re gonna live out the streets wearing a hobo outfit?” I say. He did the accent so well and I burst out dying of laughter.He gives me a glare and forces himself not to frown. I can’t get enough of it!

“Madam please-“He started and another roar of laughter came out of my mouth. His lip twitched and I laughed. Then I stopped.

“Let me-“He says and I laugh again and calm down.

“Finish-“He says I laugh and hold it in as much as I could.

“The speech first!” He says it really quickly and I burst out in tears!

“WHOULD YOU SHUT UP AND STOP LAUGHING!” He yells out furious in his normal voice and it made me glad to hear his normal voice again. The British thing will kill me. I shut up.

“Do you want to get paid!?” He reminded and I remembered. I give a big nod and trying to keep a serious face.I make a serious face and then laugh. He looked very embarrassed. So after thousands of laughter I calmed down and I actually asked him questions and he answered. He remembered but I’m still dying inside. I’m melting…!

“So tell me how that sounds love?” He gets near and puts his hand on my arm. I make this car noise trying not to laugh. I felt my eyes ready to roll to the back of my head. I made another car noise and he gave a confused or at least I think he’s emotion was confusion.Damon’s father told him that he should get to know the British culture for some business party with some British people. I really don’t think he meant learn the British accent...!

“Are you alright,” he said with a British accent and I made louder car noises “Bloody hell you sound like an old car.” I burst out laughing because I really couldn’t help it. He cracks a small laugh too but more like an annoyed one. Then he backs away and waits for me.

“You’re a nit,” He says and I just die! I fall to the floor and lost the feelings in my legs. I felt like I had no bones. Then I felt something in my hand and picked up the pillow and throw at it.

“STOP…!” I yelled still dying of laughter.

“Bloody hell,” He says. I then I felt something hard and smooth in my hands. I was laughing too hard to know what I was holding. I was standing up. Then I start throwing it. I heard a gasp and then I felt push.

“NO…!” Demon yells out but was gripping on my arm and I found myself laying on the ground for some reason. Was there a reason why!?

“You stupid…! You could have got yourself hurt!” Demon yelled at me as if he actually was worried about me. I just blink stupidly at him. What is he talking about, what is he doing on ME!? My eyes widen and the laughter goes away. Then I looked at the end of the room and see a broken vase. The one that we were not supposed to break. Well, how did that get there? I felt bad for throwing it. I’m going to have to apologize to him for that…again. Then my eyes widen and then I notice something. He’s on top of me. His chest is touching my chest and his leg is... I scream and he makes a face form the scream.

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