Ella's POV

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               I woke up to the sound of my favorite song playing in the background of the street that I live on. I got up and started to hum the song "Stitches" by Shawn Mendes. It was my favorite song and every time I hear it it causes me to start to  hum it. I was in a particularly good mood because today was the day that I got to go to summer camp with all my friends. A whole week of fun and getting to hang out with my friends. But I am a little bit worried because every single year there is something that goes wrong. There is always a fight between two friends. Last year it was my friend Katie and Matt. Katie and Matt don't see each other very often because Katie goes to a different school across town. They got into a fight about some game that they played. You know the typical childish stuff. We were only sixth graders. We really didn't know any better. But this year could be my turn. I haven't fought with anyone over the past two summers after the big fight between Matt and I. Hopefully nothing happens. I went downstairs after throwing on my team softball tee shirt and some light jean shorts. Jeans and tee shirts are what I always wear during the summer. The pantry was full of my favorite breakfast foods. Microwave bacon, miniature bagels, and my favorite cereal Cheerios! I have eaten that for most of the days that I have ever had breakfast. Trust me if I could have that for breakfast every single day I would. I cut open a mini bagel and popped it in the toaster. Pouring  the milk in my bowl of Cheerios, I received a text from my best friend Clarie. 

"Hey, Ella I will be at your house in five. Please be ready by then." 

Oh crap. She was going to be here in five minutes and I am only half ready for the day! I nearly choked on a piece of my bagel when I saw that. My hair was still a rats nest and my teeth weren't brushed. I ran upstairs and tripped on something on the wooden stairs. I looked down to see what it was and it happened to be my notebook that I use for writing.  I grabbed it and added it to my backpack for camp. Who knows, maybe I will need it for camp today.  Right at that moment, I received a text from my friend Matt. 

"Hey Ella, I have someone for you to meet at camp today. He's AMAZING! Can't wait to see you soon." 

Who could this boy be? Maybe Matt was trying to set me up with someone really hot. I've always had trouble getting a date. I am about to start 8th grade and I still haven't gotten a boyfriend. Maybe this year will be my year. Right in the middle of my fantasy of me having a boyfriend Clarie walked through the door. 

"Ella, time to go. Go get your bike."

I said goodbye to my mom who was making her morning cup of coffee and went outside.  I put in the combo 125613 and the door opened. All my softball equipment was on my bike so I took five minutes trying to get everything off of the bike. 

"Hurry up Ella we are going to be late." 

I finally got the bike out! I put on my helmet and grabbed my backpack from the ground and started to peddle down our busy street. The school wasn't very far from my house. Just about a block away. It normally takes us ten minutes to get there but we had to wait for Matt. He always takes FOREVER! 

After waiting for ten minutes he finally came out. His dogs Lilly and Spot came out behind him because he left the door wide open. Oops. By the time the dogs were let back in we only had five minutes to get there. But that's only five minutes until I can see the mystery boy that Matt has been telling me about. I can't wait!    


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