chapter 15 pup troubles

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Dippers POV

I woke up at 12:00pm and got ready for the day , Mabel already left with her friends and I just got a bowl of cereal when the phone rang.

"Dipper awnser the phone" grunkel Stan said.

So I grabbed the phone.

"Hello?' I asked into the receiver.

" Hi dipper ( it was pacifica) I was wondering if your busy on Friday night" she asked.

"Why?" I replied.

"Well I was just wondering if you would like to go to the blue moon dance?" She awnsered.

" Ummmm.... where why not " I replied.

Then I heard a click.
Well that was nice I thought then I went back to eating my cereal until grunkel ford came in and sat down with me.

"What was that all about?" He asked.

"Oh it was just pacifica asking me to go to this stupid dance" I said as I took a bite of my cereal.

Mabel's POV

OMG I just found out about the blue moon dance earlyer this morning so I went into town to find a date ,and well I have found any one yet but its only 1:00pm I should be able to find someone.

Time skip thanks to cooper the mutt


I cannot believe I couldn't find any one to go to the dance with me , this days just getting worse by the minuet.

Then all of a sudden aloud bang sounded from the forest.

A/n- hi if your reading this (most people haven't read chapter 14 yet) I'm guessing that my last two chapters sucked I just don't even know any more if you guys like my stories let me know ,there's been a few problems with my story cause of the wattpad app , plus if you hate my story you can tell me that to , its just no ones really read my story lately and I was hoping sense my b-days tomarow that I would get at least 60 comments on my story well thanks for reading I don't know when I will post the next chapter (bill blues in and hugs me) bye.

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