chapter 48 party time

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A/N- im going to do a time skip from Mabel and dipper vs the future ,and weirdmagetion , i know this it probably stupid , but it basically would be exactly the same thing alex hursh did in the show so im just going to skip over that,sorry if you don't like that.

Mabels POV

Weirdmagetion finally ended, i cant believe bill lied about loving me , just another summer romance down the drain , but i don't care any more , today my birthday and the last day i will be in gravity falls , i must make it the best i can.

"Mabel come up here!" dipper yelled from the porch.

"Coming " i yelled as i turned away from the forest and ran up to the porch.

""happy birthday kidos" Stan said as soos brought out a cake with pine trees and shooting stars around it.

"make a wish " ford said.

Then my twin and i blew out are candles at the same time , thats when Wendy came up and yelled"I now pronounce you technically  teens" then her friends shouted"one of us!"

"hey are you going to open up your  presents , i broke a nail rapping them" pacifica said from the crowd.

I opened my present from pacifica and seen it was a mini golf club, i was going to get to another present when grunkel stan and great uncle ford came up " atention everyone ,me and my brother are going a way for a while ,so i am anoncing that ....." i dint here the rest of what gruncles stan.

"mabel" a voice said in my head weakly.


"mabel ,look in your hands" the voice said.

I looked down and seen a small silver box sitting in my hands.

"see you soon" the voice said as the sounds around me returned.

I slipped the box in my sweater pocket and walk up to join in the fun.

Time skip by the mysterious  voice.....

We were on the bus leaving gravity falls when i remembered the little box.

Dipper was opening the letter fro Wendy when i pulled out the box.

I opened the box , the first thing i saw was a folded up piece of paper, i opened up the paper to see it was a written note.It said.....

Dear Mabel

I am so sorry i broke your heart , once i was disfigured in the mind scape , i knew i screwed up , you have done so much for me ,you've showed me how humans interact ,eat,have fun,and you have showed me my biggest lesson ,love.

All i did in return is crush your heart.I wish i could take it all back.Can you forgive me ?

Mabel i still do love you and to show that i do i gave you a wonderful present in the box , please wear it. I swear i will answer more of your questions soon , just remember my shooting star , i will never stop loving you.


Bill Cipher

My heart stopped.

"H-he still loves me " i said aloud.

I then opened the box to see a gold necklace with a shooting star pendant and a bill cipher pendant.

"thank you " i said aloud ,getting a weird look from dipper.

Dipper then went back to working on his crossword puzzle.

Time skip thanks to two lovers hearts......

I awoke to see we were back in Piedmont California.

Dipper and i picked up are stuff and walked off the bus with waddles following.

" got take your things up to your room ,and is the pig house trained?" mom asked.

"yes waddels it trained and he's good with all animals" i said.

" well figure out more of this and we would like to here your story of your stay with Stan , but you better get everything to your rooms and get ready for bed ,you have school tomorrow" dad said as he opened the door to are house.

I went to my separate room and placed my things on the floor and unpacked the suit cases.

I the  got changed for bed and put my necklace from bill on my night stand.

"here waddles!" i called ,then my pig walked into the room , i put him on my bed then climbed in.

I turned off my lamp on my night stand and started to go to sleep.

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