blue moon dance pt 2

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There will be times showing.


Mabel was alone upstair waiting for her date to arrive.

Dipper left around eight so he could walk pacifica there.

Ford was busy in the basement.

Stan was watching the duchies approves.

Mabel's POV

As I waited , I heard the clock down stairs chime 9 times , it was nine o-clock and bill still wasn't here. I'm beginning to think he won't show,but then I heard a knock on the door down stairs.

"Who is it at this hour?" I heard grunkel Stan say.

I them practically ran down the stairs to see bill standing in the door way , with part of his tail coat turning blue.

Bill stood there in aw to see Mabel come down in the yellow dress with black and yellow sparkles added to it.

"Hey Mabel " he shouts in a nerves way.

" lesson her blondy if my little girl here gets hurt 'you will not live to see another day" grunkel Stan said.

At that moment bill lower half turned full black.

"I-i-i-i-i p-promise n-nothing b-b-bad w-will happen t-to her" bill said as he stared to shake.

" good , well you to have fun" Stan said as he closed the door behind us.

I looked over at bill to see he was entirely black , even his hair was black.

"Bill are you okay your suit and hair are black" Mabel said as they walked.

" not really I've got this feeling , like I had a gun to my face and I didn't have the ability to heal my self " he replied.

"That's fear bill , and race you" Mabel said as she started to run ahead.

"Wait up" bill yelled as he though about the one word Mabel used 'fear'.

Ten minuets later

Bill finally caught up to Mabel then he picked her up.

"Bill let me go " Mabel screamed as she squirmed in his grasp.

" give me a sec shooting star" bill said than shaped his fingers.

He teleported them to the edge of the woods where the blue moon dance was being held.

" thank you bill " Mabel said as she walked up to the ticket booth and showed the man the ticket, he punched a hole in it with a hole puncher ( that's what I call them) then did bill ticket, the the two walked in.

A/N - hey everyone I just want to say thank you for the 78 comments 83 votes I can't believed my story's that good but I wouldn't have gotten that far with out every one reading so thank you!

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